I took a dangerous trip to St. Louis last week on Wednesday in order to let my readers know what was really going on with this media driven event in Ferguson, Missouri and to take the risks to keep you informed. On Monday the St. Louis County Grand Jury voted not to indict officer Darren Wilson on any charges in the shooting of Michael Brown. Encouraged by the New Black Panthers, Al Sharpton, and numerous anarchists and communists, destructive demonstrations not only in the St. Louis area but throughout the country were triggered. In Ferguson, Missouri, the site of the original incident, there was burning and looting that went pretty much unchecked. There were also demonstrations outside the courthouse located about 15 miles away in Clayton, Missouri, the county seat. On Tuesday the Missouri National Guard, that had been available on Monday but was ordered to stand down (sounds like Benghazi doesn't it), was called out and that combined with very cold weather and snow saw a marked decline in demonstrators and destruction. By Wednesday only the hardiest of demonstrators took to the streets in snow covered Ferguson, although in some cities outside of Missouri the demonstrations continued. The failure of the Democrat governor of Missouri, Jay Nixon, to use the National Guard on Monday was thought due to pressure from the Obama regime and may lead to his recall. The burning and looting covered about three blocks in Ferguson and destroyed its business district of mostly small businesses vital to the community. Many local citizens lost jobs just before the holiday season as their work place was burned down.
My photograph of the St. Louis County Courthouse. Note the temporary fence and light snow covering the ground.
It amazes me that the race baiters and Obama, a race baiter himself, always pick the wrong fight. (For Obama to say if he had a son that he would be like Trayvon, is like him saying he hopes his daughters would be like Twana Brawley. Off course, intelligence has never been Obama's forte, but prematurely jumping to conclusions is.) Michael Brown's shooting, though tragic, didn't have to happen at all. Brown, like Trayvon Martin, had a better choice than confront the police officer, namely to get out of the street. Trayvon could have ignored George Zimmerman and just kept walking to his destination. Instead both chose violent confrontation that ended badly as they made the mistake of bringing fists to a gun fight. Though Martin did not necessarily know that his adversary was packing (legally), Brown certainly did. Neither of these young black men were paragons of virtue. Martin had his share of minor problems including a school suspension, and Brown, a mountain of a man at 6'6" and 300 lbs., was a local bully and thug who had just stolen cigars from a local convenience store and strong arming the owner on his way out. Walking in the middle of the street, in defiance of authority, is a well known gang behavior. Brown refused to move to the side walk and instead confronted the officer, punching him in the face and trying to steal his gun. The gun went off and Brown was hit in the finger. Brown began to run and Wilson pursued him. Suddenly Brown turned and charged the officer who fired his weapon and apparently hit, but only momentarily stopped Brown who lowered his head and continue toward the officer. Wilson fired again and again stricking Brown in the head and killing him. The jury concluded that this was the correct sequence and description of the shooting and found that Brown's shooting was justifiable.
I say, "why all the fuss." The Ferguson incident was not racial, only the media and the racists made it seem that way. Brown's race was inconsequential to Wilson's shooting him. Attacked by a huge man, who refused multiple police orders and continued to charge the officer who he had already punched, was the reason for the shooting. Unfortunately police shootings occur everyday and if the races were reversed or both the same, maybe a fifteen second sound bite on the local late night news or a short paragraph on a back page of he local newspaper would have been all that made note of the incident. In fact, on the same day of Brown's demise, a black police officer near Salt Lake City, Utah shot and killed a white thug with a criminal record who was unarmed, but move forward at the officer in a threatening way and acted as if he had a concealed weapon. You would only have heard about this event because I just informed you that it happened. The white thug's family got no call from Obama nor did the KKK bother to protest.
In Obama's adopted home town of Chicago, a dozen or so young black men are killed every week by other young black men and no one, especially Obama, Sharpton, or even Jessie Jackson who lives in Chicago even care. The black community, either by fear or misguided lack of trust won't cooperate with the police. This is where this so called black leadership ought to be directing their efforts. Unfortunately they realize that if they are successful, they would loose some of their power.
If one wants to inject a racial element into these events, it should ask the question as to why young black men resort to violent rather than peaceful confrontation. Rev. M.L. King did not believe in violent confrontation. Thugs like drug gangs, the New Black Panthers, Sharpton, and Jackson, are the ones who encourage violence. This severely damages the causes for which they claim they are supporting. This begs the question, why. The answer is rather complex, but first begins with lack of education. When one is unable to explain his argument and debate one's case, frustration sets in and violence results. Leadership encourages the "burn baby burn" option. Maybe a high school course in conflict resolution might be more beneficial for high schoolers than some of the ridiculous courses they are taught. Liberalism is what is behind all of this as it has destroyed the black family and forced generation after generation to accept the liberal view that they are victims and can't help themselves. In the end Michael Brown's death is the fault of Liberalism and Obama and his ilk.
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