An unbelievable amount of time has been wasted on what is, in reality, despite the tragic turn of events in all other respects very trivial. Every day in our inner cities, African-American teenagers are killed with little if any recognition by the media. It is the media that turned this into a racial incident. George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, followed Trayvon Martin, an innocent teenager, but a stranger to his neighborhood. There was a confrontation, a fight, and finally Zimmerman pulled his gun and fatally shot Martin.
"What ifs" abound. What if Zimmerman had not gotten out of car and followed Martin. That was brought up at the trial. But what if Martin had ignored Zimmerman and simply continued walking to his father's girl friend's house. What if Zimmerman actually confronted Martin and asked him why he was following him. Martin could have explained that he was on his way to his father's girlfriend's house and continued on. Unfortunately this is not what happened and instead a violent confrontation occurred and Martin was killed. Maybe we would have less violence among our young, if our schools taught peaceful conflict resolution, rather than all the politically correct nonsense they espouse.
Zimmerman wrongly profiled Martin as a stranger to the neighborhood, not as a black teen and Martin wrongly profile Zimmerman as a pudgy weak unarmed cracker. Zimmerman was, in fact, a pudgy Hispanic who may have almost as much non Caucasian blood as President Obama and certainly as much as some of the killers and their victims on the south side of Chicago or East Los Angeles. It was the media (even Fox News) and race baiters like Al Sharpton who turned this into the circus that it turned into. Even President Obama, who has been known to speak out on racial issues before all the facts are known, said if he had a son, he would be like Trayvon. I doubt it. President's Obama's son, if he had one, would never be suspended from school and although he admits to smoking marijuana, I doubt if he would want his children to do so.
The worst offender was of course NBC and its partner MSNBC News. They altered the original 911 conversation to make it sound like Zimmerman was targeting Martin and may have altered the initial photograph of Zimmerman, making him look unmarked. Al Sharpton, adopted this as a new cause celeb much like he did the infamous Twana Brawley hoax, ranting daily about his perceived view of the racism in this incident. In addition, nearly all the media showed a picture of Martin that was several years old and did not represent Martin's physical maturity. Marin was taller than the heavier Zimmerman and may have been the reason Martin decided to fight. Once it was learned that Zimmerman was a Hispanic and that he had pictures of the broken nose and scalp lacerations he received in the scuffle, the media rather than back off, went all in and continued to report this a racial confrontation influencing public opinion to indict Zimmerman more than a month after the event and charge him with second degree murder, a charge that the prosecution could never prove. The prosecution realized this after the presentation of their weak case and evidence and so at the last minute were allowed by the judge to add manslaughter as a possible verdict. They were not allowed to add the ridiculous charge of aggravated child abuse.
There was also another reason why this received so much media exposure. The media, that fully supports the Obama regime, tried to obscure all the bad publicity that the regime was getting from multiple scandals that arose everyday. MSNBC was only interested in "justice for Trayvon", but what about Ambassador Chris Stevens who was brutally assassinated, sexually assaulted and dragged through the streets of Benghazi. Hardly a word has been forthcoming from the mainstream media. Don't Stevens' parents deserve an explanation for what happened instead of being lied to or ignored?
Based on the evidence or lack there of and Florida's "stand your ground" law, the jury rightly freed Zimmerman. If anything, we learned that this law is vague and in the future ought to be modified and either made more clear or removed altogether. Martin's parents lost a son that they dearly loved, but accepted the jury verdict. George Zimmerman, though found innocent, will never ever have a normal life and will always be looking over his shoulder for some misguided assassin trying to get perceived revenge.
Eric Holder, a racist himself, could still bring civil rights charges against Zimmerman, but I hope he doesn't. It is obvious to me that the African-American leadership, and liberal media do not want an end to racism as this is how they are empowered. African-American are bright, industrious, and posses all the same qualities as all other Americans. It is only their leadership that feels that they are inferior and are not able to succeed. There was virtually no violence after the verdict showing that the African-American community has matured, even though their leadership has not.
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