Hillary Clinton finally testified before Congress on Bengazigate after numerous delays caused by illness and trips of both kinds. Before my I give you my take on the hearings, I'd like to supply you with a little bit of background information for which I am certain you are unaware. I don't much believe in coincidences, especially about anything that goes on within the Obama regime. I'm sure you are aware that Hillary Clinton rang up between 20 to 30 million in debt from her unsuccessful run at the presidency in 2008. This includes the loan from Bill after he received millions from Arab countries for "speeches". She had asked Obama after the 2008 election to help pay off her debts from his excess campaign funds. This week her debts were finally paid off, assuring that Obama would be protected by her testimony. Her testimony was obviously orchestrated. The crocodile tears and the indignation over being questioned about the video were planned and rehearsed well in advance. Ironically, after saying that she took full responsibility for what happened in Bengazi, protecting Obama, she took no responsibility whatsoever. Only a few Republicans asked her serious questions and made important comments regarding her very carefully crafted testimony. Her indignation over the video question was deflected by "what does it matter now. Four Americans are dead." That is precisely why it does matter that the regime including Obama knowing lied to the American people. Nixon could have said the same thing over the Watergate burglary, that it didn't matter after the election, but of course history took a far different course and his otherwise honorable and very enlightened presidency ended in disgrace. Claiming she never read the requests for more security is very similar to Eric Holder's excuse for not reading his emails regarding the outrageous Fast and Furious debacle. As Rand Paul rightly commented, he would have fired her. If her comments were true, then why was no one fired over this, four Americans are dead. The events of the Bengazi attack were being watched in real time. The ambassador and his staff were advising the regime of their imminent danger. There may have been very little the regime could have done to save and protect the Americans under attack, but do you believe Obama wasn't notified immediately? His handlers invented the video lie to protect him during the tight election race. His National Security staff fell on their swords for Obama and said it was they that edited out references to Al Qada and Muslim extremists, after all, we were told that after the killing of Osama Bin Ladin, Al Qada was through. Maybe it was as Ms. Clinton suggested, some guys out for a walk who decided to kill Americans with mortors and automatic weapons. Despite knowing what actually had happened, the regime including Obama, two weeks later, when speaking at the UN, still blamed the video. Four American were dead, but our incompetent national news media barely mentioned Bengazi continuing to protect the regime during the campaign for the presidency. If you recall, the press didn't hesitate to criticize Romney for his comments on Bengazi shortly after it happened. Comments that by the way were appropriate and dead on. This may have scared Romney into making a critical mistake during the debate a few weeks later on foreign policy by not bringing it up. Certainly the very biased pro Obama moderator, Bob Schieffer, would and did not. Four Americans are dead and Obama, Hillary Clinton, and everyone else in the regime got a free pass when they should have been impeached or fired. Nixon was under the threat of impeachment for far less, nobody died from Watergate. Maybe some guys were out on a walk and just decided to burglarize the DNC. Finally we have recently learned that many of the weapons used in the attack on the consulate were supplied by the Obama regime during the civil war that deposed Mommar Gaddafi, another similarity to "fast and furious." I wonder when this information was actually known by the regime, timing its release well after the 2012 election. What did the Democrats do at the hearing. They, along with some Republicans, praised Hillary Clinton for her service and testifying despite traveling all over the world and fighting off illness and injury to finally show up more than four month later. I supposed the Republicans still fear the powerful Clinton machine that brought down Gingrich, Livingston, Armi, and other Clinton impeachment enemies. They still have the FBI file info on almost a thousand Republicans gleaned from Filegate*. The Democrats even tried to blame Republicans for limiting the State department budget so that the proper security was not in place. Rand Paul quickly corrected this bit of misinformation, mentioning all the money the State Department squanders, especially purchasing electric automobiles and then constructing expensive charging stations to service them (it seems the government is the main source of Volt sales). As I have pointed out in a past post, our government could never recover the added cost over that of standard or hybrid vehicles, even if the Volts lasted for more than twenty years. It seems that the man dubbed the "smartest president in our history" knew nothing of what was going on in his regime. That is he was unaware of the situation in Libya, unaware of "fast and furious", a didn't know that Van Jones, the green commissar he appointed, was a communist who advocated the violent overthrow of the United States. I guess he was too busy campaigning, golfing, shooting hoops, vacationing in Hawaii and Nantucket, or just jetting around in AF1. If this is true, then maybe he should be termed the "know nothing president".
*Filegate was the name given to illegal (or accidental according to the Clintons) procurement of nearly 1000 FBI files of prominent Republicans by the Clinton administration. Craig Livingstone, a former bar bouncer, did the dirty work as he was chief of White House Security. Though an early memo to the FBI stated that he got the job from a recommendation by Hillary Clinton who was long time friends with his mother according to Bernard Nussbaum, all this was denied when the Filegate investigation special prosecutor, Kenneth Starr, began questioning associated individuals including Hillary Clinton. Starr concluded that no one knew how and who hired Craig Livingstone. Hillary 's testimony during her sworn deposition included 109 "I don't remember"s. The pages in the log book certifying who checked out the files mysteriously disappeared (just as many other documents during the Clinton administration). Clinton operatives were well known for stealing and disposing of documents (Sandy "the burglar" Berger for example). Whatever information was gleaned from these files has been stored somewhere to use against Clinton enemies as needed.
Did you ever wonder how the least likely person to become POTUS actually did? How a man of average intelligence, no experience, and little means obtained an Ivy League education and became POTUS. I'm working on a new blog in which I will put together the amazing story of how this aall came to be and what it means for all of us.
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