An interesting story appeared on the internet yesterday about a man from Wisconsin, who said his dog received a voter registration application in the mail. His dog had died two years ago, but would have been eighteen, if he were still alive. The application was addressed to Mo, his dog. (If dead people can vote in Chicago, I guess dead dogs can vote in Wisconsin). The application came from the Voter Participation Center, a so called "non partisan" group interested in registering young people especially young unmarried women and minorities to vote. Sounds noble, yeah right.
I did my usual research and discovered a few things that this seemingly funny story left out. The VPC is about as non partisan as Barack Obama. I went to their web site and looked up the board of directors and officers and discovered that they proudly list all of their Democrat and far far left connections including the Obama election committee and The Center for American Progress, the Soros funded communist think tank. Further more, I learned that the VPC had been sited in a dozen mostly battleground states for voter registration irregularities. But our crooked US Attorney General says there are no voter registration laws being broken. Yeah right. Anyway this group obtains mailing lists from various sources and sends out something that looks very similar to a voter registration form. After filling it out it is sent back to what seems like a very official government address. The form asks about party preference, not usually asked in some states that have an open primary like Wisconsin. The purpose of this is very simple. When the VPC gets the form back, it only forwards to the real voter registration address those that list a Democrat preference and throw away all the others. Independents and Republicans think they have registered to vote only to find out they haven't when it is too late. Nice scam. May they burn in Hell.
Occasionally I watch CNBC though I prefer Fox Business News. Some of the anchors are actually capitalists and they certainly have many capitalist CEOs as guests. Some interesting comments about "green energy" today came from the founder of Green Peace, Patrick Moore who no longer supports what the movement has become. He mentioned that the Sierra Club originally favored natural gas as a clean burning low emission energy source, but like our communist president now shun it. He pointed out that one of the reasons for Spanish economic failure is dependency on "green energy". It became a job killer as two jobs were lost for every one created and it increased energy costs significantly to the average Spanish Citizen. In Germany, over $100 billion has been spent on solar energy infrastructure. Currently this investment has paid off big time (if you are interested in destroying the German economy), as solar energy now accounts for a whopping one third of one per cent of German energy production and is the reason energy costs are three times higher than in the US. "Green energy" is currently only good for wrecking an economy. As you recall, Obama's "green energy" jobs commissar was Van Jones, an admitted communist and once committed to the violent overthrow of the US Government. When appointed by Obama, he went into stealth mode until outed by Glenn Beck. Obama was forced to fire him (Obama said "gosh I didn't know he was a communist", yeah right).
Jones lectures on the destruction of capitalism using "green energy" as a member of the Center for American Progress.. Moore now favors developing green energy technology, but not deploying it until it is economically feasible, a much more sound approach. By the way he also does not believe in the Al Gore hoax of man made global warming.
Two great stories in this blog, please read and pass it on. Americans need to be informed about the evil that is Barack Obama.
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