Thursday, May 17, 2012

my take on recent events

      I've been out of town so I've taken some time off to catch up.  Here is my take on some recent events.
      It looks like BHO is trying to rewrite history.  His staff has rewritten a number of presidential histories on the White House web site to include references to BHO in them.  Lincoln, FDR, LBJ, and Reagan have all been victims.  The out cry has forced his staff to remove these inappropriate references.  Only a real megalomaniac or narcissist would have done anything like that.  Of course, many communists and dictators like to rewrite history.  Hitler, Stalin, Ahmadinejad, and Chavez are just a few examples.  BHO fits right in with these great men.
      As I predicted, the Obama campaign will do anything to try and draw attention away from the real issues, namely the economy and his lack of leadership.  First it was the "war against women". That didn't work too well. Next we heard about Romney's pooch riding in a kennel on top of the car only to learn that Obama may have considered that "meals on wheels" as he ate dog as an Indonesian delicacy. Next we got the so called bullying episode from Romney's prep school days only to learn that the first gay president BHO bullied a girl and drank excessively with a DUI (dreams from his father, an alcoholic with two significant DUI episodes, killing a woman and then himself as well as being a wife beater), and did a little "blow".   This has backfired as well, as two battle ground states, Virginia and North Carolina,  are now certainly in the Romney win camp.  Romney has to continue to push for the economy to remain in the forefront and not allow these distractions to take over.  When Obama does talk about jobs and the economy he tells colossal  lies about all the jobs he has created and the rise in GNP.  In fact, his repressive tax and over regulate regime has purposely destroyed the economy, cost millions of jobs, stolen over a trillion tax payer dollars, and as a result forced millions of Americans out of their houses.  Joseph Goebbels used the "big lie" to advance Hitler's Nazi agenda and Obama, as with many Nazi and Alinsky techniques, is a good student.
      This week we learned that 53.000 potential Democrat voters in Florida have been ordered purged from the voter rolls by Republican Governor Rick Scott, since they're dead.  If Attorney General Eric Holder remains true to form, he may challenge this on the grounds that it deprives deceased minorities and women of their right to vote.  Imagine if this happened all over the country.  If the deceased were purged in Chicago,  the State of Illinois could actually go red (Republican).
      A very scary situation has developed from the G8 summit at Camp David this week that has been largely and typically overlooked by the mainstram media, but now by your watchful Doctor Democracy.  As we all know, human caused global warming with apocalyptic consequences is a huge hoax and Nazi plot, yet as expected,  Obama has signed on to this in order to push his destructive energy policies.  He would like to raise taxes on coal, oil, and gas to pay his political pals for their financial support and further destroy our country.  Europe is already destroying itself with this policy and it should be shunned rather than welcomed.  Spain invested in "green" energy in a big way and found that it loses two jobs for every one it creates.  Unemployment in Spain is at 25%.  Obama wants us to be like Spain who is teetering on financial failure.  Germany, a big investor in solar panels, has learned that their panels last about half as long as warrantied.  Unfortunately collecting may be difficult as the next large solar firm to go belly up may be First Solar, whose stock has plummeted from a high of $250 to its current $14 per  share!  Hundreds of millions of dollars in warranty claims may push it into bankruptcy.
      And finally, as the evidence continues to roll out in the Trayvon Martin murder case, it has become apparent that I was correct, when I advised not jumping to conclusions, as the media had done for this case as it has for so many others involving race (Tawana Brawley and the Duke lacrosse team).  In addition, the media continues to show Trayvon's five year old picture when he was twelve.  They also have withheld some background information such as Trayvon not only had marijuana in his locker, but jewelry and burglary tools that were turned over to the police.  Now we learn that Zimmerman did have significant facial injuries including a broken nose and scalp and facial lacerations and Trayvon had bruised knuckles.  The gun was fired within eighteen inches of the victim also indicating a struggle.  We have also learned that there were eye witness accounts of Trayvon on top of Zimmerman pummeling away at his headas he screamed for help.  Certainly sheds a brand new light on the event?  .  It will also make race baiters Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, and Fredrika Wilson (and her stupid hats) seem like the real idiots they are. There will be a trial and if Zimmerman is acquited or receives a minimal sentence for second degree manslaughter, look for Attorney General Eric Holder to step in and try to persecute Zimmerman with a hate crime indictment
      I'm still working on Obama's left wing roots.  May be  out this weekend.


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