Two new events have happened recently that require a comment. The State Department has just issued a statement that the war on terror is over. Since most of Al Qiada has been killed, we have nothing to fear from Islam. Does that mean we can get rid of the TSA and all the time consuming baggage checks, scans, and pat downs? Don't think so. Just because the Obama administration tells us that we have nothing to fear from Islam, doesn't mean it is so. Obama wants us to think that we have more to fear from Israel than from the Palestine Authority or Iran, or Yemen. This is the same administration that called the Ft. Hood shootings by an Islamic military psychiatrist yelling "Allah Akbar" and contacts on his computer to Al Qiada in Yemen, a workplace incident, not an act of domestic terrorism. Keep you eyes and ears open as the Obama regime is declining its most important duty, protecting us.
The other has to do with Obama's foolish "green energy" policy. On April 13 Bright Source Energy declared bankruptcy after receiving $1.6 billion in loans from, Steven Chu Obama's energy guy. In addition he has appointed former fracking commissar Heather Zichal to develop his energy policy with the idea of regulating fracking, more costly regulations in the works, to the point where natural gas prices will have to rise so that solar becomes far less expensive in comparison. Another analyst has recommended shorting First Solar (FSLR NASDAQ) that has already dropped from its 52 week high of 145 to a paltry 18. Germany, it biggest customer, like Spain has discovered that green energy is not economical and his going in a different direction for its energy needs. The panels supplied by First Solar are failing much sooner than expected. This has been followed by First Solar closing its European plants and the company will be soon be blasted with another $200 million in warranty claims. First Solar used to be the one success story for solar energy now it looks like solar energy may be only useful for heating your swimming pool. Just in case you are keeping track, each green energy job that Obama has created has cost an average of $4.5 million. The government ought to stay out of capitalism, especially crony capitalism, and let the markets determine successes and failures.
Great post Triple D.