Sunday, April 29, 2012

Vetting Obama Part 1 The Early Years

     Today I,m going to begin a series of posts vetting Barak Hussein  Obama  II.  Prior to the 2008 presidential election, the mainstream media was totally remiss in this process and if even a limited review had been done, I am certain that either John McCain or Hillary Clinton would be president today.  William Wordsworth wrote, "the child is father of the man," so I am going to start with Obama's families and early life in this installment.
      During his campaign, his book, Dreams From My Father, was touted for its literary quality, but few actually analyzed what was written.  (There is ample evidence that Bill Ayers actually wrote Dreams, although obviously Obama provided the material.)  The publisher wanted Obama to write a book about the obstacles he overcame to become the first African American to head the Harvard Law Review, but instead got a book about socialism that was probably Ayers' idea.  It is astounding to me that he even wrote a book about a man he had only met for a few days when he was ten years old and who contributed not a single cent to raising him although he did give him a basketball.  The reason for this trip is debated and the only real explanation that I have read is young Obamas grandparents arrranged and paid for the trip as well as a payoff in order to aid in their grandson's claim to be an American citizen as he could not have attended the Punahou School unless he was.  There is evidence that he was adopted by his step father Lolo Soetoro and lost his American citizenship.  This will be covered in more detail in a future blog.
      I'm certain that the dreams Obama got from his father had little to do with character.  His father was a deadbeat dad who fathered eight children with four different wives.  He beat his third wife, Ruth, leading to their divorce and was also an alcoholic who murdered a woman in a drunk driving incident also maiming himself.  At age 46 he died in another drunk driving episode.
      So what dreams did Obama get from his father?  His father became a very special person in Kenya as it emerged from it colonialist past, becoming an independent state in 1965.  It separated from the British East African Confederation with Uganda and Tanganyika (now Tanzania).  Its first president, Jomo Kenyatta, had a capitalistic vision for his country utilizing the European property owners for Kenya's benefit rather than Great Britain's.  Obama had other ideas.  He hated the British and European imperialism as they exploited the African people and their resources.  In addition, he went from adolescence to adulthood during the harsh British military action that suppressed the Mau Mau uprising during the 1950s.  His father may have been imprisoned and tortured during the uprising.  He wanted an economy based on land reform and socialism. (How's this working out in Zimbabwe where taking land from the white minority changed it from a rich food exporter to a country facing starvation?)   Because of his American education he was appointed to a good government job only to loose it do his refusal to follow the official line and continue to favor socialism.  He also testified at the hearing on the assasination of his political mentor Tom Mboya, a fellow Marxist. This explains Obama's hatred of the British and why as one of his first official acts as president was to return the statue of Winston Churchill that sat in the Oval Office to the British Embassy.  Though Marxism was also part of is father's dreams, as we will see, Obama has numerous sources for his radical ideals.
     Of all the members of Obama's family, his mother is most intriguing and something of an enigma.  She was obviously a strong and open minded woman and considered a free spirit and "fellow traveler" by some and even the original feminist,  yet she was naive enough to become pregnant as a seventeen year old.  One wonders that if abortion was readily available in Hawaii then as it is now, would Barak Obama II have ever been born.  As a teen, her friends thought her to be  serious and intellectual.  They also considered her to be an atheist.  There are stories of her arguing with her second husband Lolo Soetoro about her son's Islamization in Indonesia where he apparently studied the Islamic religion and chanted Islamic prayers.  She also argued with him about attending events in Indonesia with American Oil Company executives as Lolo served as his government's oil liaison.  Although she at times had an anti American attitude, she understood the value of American citizenship and managed quite a few manuvers in an attempt to maintain his American citizenship.  Though called a socialist or even a communist,  her most highly regarded career accomplishment was developing a system of microfinance for poor women in Indonesia enabling them to start small businesses, a totally capitalistic venture.  Her absence after his return to Hawaii from Indonesia certainly weighed on him,  feeling abandoned by both his father and mother.
      Though essentially abandoned by mother and father, young Obama was raised by adoring  grandparents Stanley and Madelyn Dunham.  They are also enigmatic and certainly not the typical grandparents from Kansas. During WWII Stanley spent four years in the army and Madelyn worked in a factory for Boeing.  After the war they spent time in Berkley, California for Stanley to get a degree and then traveling around the country before winding up in Mercer Island, Washington enrolling their daughter in a school system with ties to the Communist Party USA. John Stenhouse was the chairman of the school board who had testified before the House Unamerican Activities Committee that he was a Communist.  In addition there was a course in Marxism and one on homosexuality at the Mercer Island High School.  This was back in the late 1950s!  Stenhouse also was president of the local Unitarian Church that was joined by the Dunhams who were not religious people.  After Stanley Ann graduated from high school, the Dunhams moved to Honolulu Hawaii where Stanley Armor Dunham became fast friends with and drinking buddy of Frank Marshall Davis a member of Communist Party USA and a writer for a local communist newspaper.  Like Dunham, Davis  was also from Kansas, but had spent much of his life in Chicago editing another communist publication.   It was his grandfather who introduced him to Davis as a mentor, especially as someone who was black.  His grandfather also took him into the predominantly black section of Honolulu where he would shoot pool and sip cokes while his grandfather sipped scotch.  Though determined to give their grandson some street smarts the Dunhams sent him to the Punahou School, an expensive and exclusive private school where he was the only African American. They managed this with  by a scholarships and personal financial sacrifice.
      In my next blo,g I will discuss the controversy concerning Obama's birth and citizenship.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Muslims in the DHS and Obama's war on oil.

       On Tuesday I posted two stories about the war on terror and energy.  Two new stories came up today that you might not be aware of as they have not been covered by the mainstream media.  DHA secretary Janet Incompetano was testifying in Congress in November, 2011 and was questioned by Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) about infiltration of the TSA by the Muslin Brotherhood and in particular about Mohamed Elibiary.  Elibiary started a branch of the Freedom and Justice Foundation representing the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.  He was a featured speaker at a conference honoring Ayatollah Kohmeini,  a major supporter of Hamas, a Holocaust denier, and an unnamed co-conspirator in a trial of financiers of Radical Islam in the United States.  Naturally Incompetano gave him top security clearance.  Ordinarily in order to get this kind of clearance one has to pass a rigorous FBI investigation, but somehow, like communist Van Jones, his background was overlooked by this administration.  He soon viewed and copied top secret documents from Texas law enforcement and tried  to sell them to Texas newspapers to embarass Texas law officials.  Amazingly,  Incompetano didn't know any of this.  Now she truly is Incompetano or a liar, probably some of each.  In addition, references to Radical Islam has been scrubbed from all FBI and DHS documents. It is now called radical extremism, don't want to offend our muslim friends.  After all according to Obama the war on terror is over.  Thank Glenn Beck for alerting me to this story.
      The second story was also reported today although it happened 2 years ago.  Al Armendariz, the EPA head for the Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma district said that he was out to crucify the oil industry just as the Romans had done to villagers.  He described how the Romans would come to a village and pick five people at random and then crucify them.  This insured that there would be no trouble from this village for a long time.  Armendariz has since apologized and Obama's press secretary Jay Carney has said that these remarks don't represent the administration"s policies.  Unfortunately they do.  The administration is at war with oil, gas, and coal industries and continues to burden them with onerous regulations.  Already five refineries on the east coast have shut down and three more are barely staying productive.  More closings would mean a shortage of gasoline despite a glut of oil, raising the price even further.  Elitist goodfornothing, Robert Kennedy I, doesn't think oil prices are high enough. Why doesn't he get a real job. The next time Obama takes off in Air Force One let him fill up its tanks with spinach the latest fad fuel.  The EPA has increased the requirements for alcohol in gasoline even though it has not increased milage, reduced emissions, and has caused engine wear and added to a world food shortage.
      I will soon start to vet Obama but these stories are too good to pass up.   Joe Biden doesn't need to be vetted.  He is so wrong and always has been on the wrong side of every foreign policy position through out his career, that he is more or less a joke.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

War on terror is over and more solar failures

      Two new events have happened recently that require a comment.  The State Department has just issued a statement that the war on terror is over.  Since most of Al Qiada has been killed, we have nothing to fear from Islam.  Does that mean we can get rid of the TSA and all the time consuming baggage checks, scans, and pat downs?  Don't think so.  Just because the Obama administration tells us that we have nothing to fear from Islam, doesn't mean it is so.  Obama wants us to think that we have more to fear from Israel than from the Palestine Authority or Iran, or Yemen.  This is the same administration that called the Ft. Hood shootings by an Islamic military psychiatrist yelling "Allah Akbar" and contacts on his computer to Al Qiada in Yemen, a workplace incident, not an act of domestic terrorism.  Keep you eyes and ears open as the Obama regime is declining its most important duty, protecting us.
      The other has to do with Obama's foolish "green energy" policy.  On April 13 Bright Source Energy declared bankruptcy after receiving $1.6 billion in loans from, Steven Chu Obama's energy guy.  In addition he has appointed former fracking commissar Heather Zichal to develop his energy policy with the idea of regulating fracking, more costly regulations in the works, to the point where natural gas prices will have to rise so that solar becomes far less expensive in comparison.  Another analyst has recommended shorting First Solar (FSLR NASDAQ) that has already dropped from its 52 week high of 145 to a paltry 18.  Germany, it biggest customer, like Spain has discovered that green energy is not economical and his going in a different direction for its energy needs. The panels supplied by First Solar are failing much sooner than expected.  This has been followed by First Solar closing its European plants and the company will be soon be blasted with another $200 million in warranty claims.  First Solar used to be the one success story for solar energy now it looks like solar energy may be only useful for heating your swimming pool.  Just in case you are keeping track, each green energy job that Obama has created has cost an average of $4.5 million.  The government ought to stay out of capitalism, especially crony capitalism, and let the markets determine successes and failures.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day Story

      In honor of Earth Day, I am going to tell you my favorite Earth Day story.  It did not originate with me, but I have checked the dates and it is certainly true.  Earth Day began on April 22, 1970 in Philadelphia.  Though probably not the founder, Ira Einhorn, something of a 1960s hippie, counterculturist, and left wing radical, nonetheless claimed to be. Ira soon became a favorite of the limousine liberals in Philadelphia and called himself the "Unicorn"as Einhorn is German for one horn.  He managed to eke out a living through his connection to Earth Day as a consultant.  He was popular enough that Holly Maddox, a local model, moved in with him in 1972.  In 1977, having tired of Einhorn, Holly decided that her career was going nowhere in Philadelphia and decided to take up an offer and move to New York City, where there were many more opportunites.  Ira did not take kindly to this, but Ms Maddox left anyway. Having achieved some success in Gotham, Ms. Maddox returned to Philadelphia at Einhorn's request to pick up the remainder of her stuff.  While in Philadelphia, she disappeared.  The police investigated and Ira told them that she went to the drug store for some cigarettes and never returned.  He thought she had decided to go back to New York.  The investigation went nowhere until eighteen months later,  when Ira's neighbors reported a terrible odor emanating from his apartment.  That's when the police discovered her body in a steamer trunk in Ira's closet and arrested him.  He was then dubbed the "Unicorn Killer" in the local media.  Einhorn claimed the FBI stashed the body in his apartment.  Barbara Bronfman, a limousine liberal friend, posted the 10% of his forty thousand dollar bail that had been reduced from two million dollars and attorney and future Pennsylvania senator Arlen Spector represented him.  Before the trial, but after the arraignment,  Einhorn skipped bail and disappeared.  He was tried in absentia and convicted of a brutal murder in1992. Seventeen years after he disappeared he was found living in France and married to a Swedish woman.  He fought extradition for five years, but was eventually returned to Philadelphia, retried and convicted and sentenced to life in prison without parole.  Ironically the day of his arrest, March 28, 1979, coincides with the date of the worst nuclear disaster in American history less than one hundred miles away at Three Mile Island.
      How many people died at Three Mile Island? The answer is none.  How ironic, the man who claimed to have founded Earth Day killed more people than the worst nuclear disaster in American history.  By the way, I corrected Wikipedia on the date and gave them the reference to Three Mile Island confirmed by references in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

2012 election for POTUS

      The election for POTUS this year will probably be one of the dirtiest and most corrupt ever. Let me lay out the details of this very orchestrated plan for you.  The Obama side does not want to discuss the economy as anything good that Obama says he has done is a lie and easy to refute.  Instead the Dems will want to attack Romney on outside issues, especially those related to social conservatism.  Obama never makes these attacks directly , unless they are either cloaked or very mild so he can easily back away like the "silver spoon" remark, as his campaign managers want him to act like he is above  this.  Unfortunately, this comment was not followed up by the Republicans as he mentioned his law school attendance in the same breath and it is widely held that Bill Ayers' father paid Obama's law school tuition and living expenses.  The vicious attacks will be made by others and the more vicious the attack, farther down the food chain of Obama operatives it will come.  That way, if it backfires and offends too many people, it can be retracted by higher ups and denied by those running the campaign.  Take the vicious attack on Ann Romney that came  from  midlevel advisor Hillary Rosen, who has been to the White House 32 times.  When it became apparent that women, especially house wives, were offended, Obama quickly stated that Rosen did not speak for him and  diminished her position in his campaign. But make no mistake this and all other attacks will all come from the very top, usually David Plouffe or David Axelrod,  the two scum bags running the show.  They want Romney on the defensive and hope that he will personally make the denials or even attack Obama directly wasting valuable time not related to the economy.  So far, this strategy has not work very well.  Romney quickly dispensed the anti women slur by discussing with facts how Obama's policies have hurt women and families.  With most of the media on Obama's side, it quickly faded from the news cycle.  The dog remark disappeared even faster, when it was learned that Obama admitted that he had eaten dog and tiger in Indonesia.  (At the end of this blog, I will inject a little humor related to this.)
      The other way this campaign will get dirty will be related to the vote itself.  Democrats in our large cities have been slow, if not reluctant, to clean up the voting rolls.  I once registered to vote in Chicago in 1979 to defeat the corrupt machine running the city.  Though I moved away later that year, I'm certain my name remains on the rolls as Democratic officials have just not gotten around to it.  After I'm long dead and gone, someone will continue to vote for me in Chicago.
      Though officially dead, ACORN has morphed itself into a number of new organizations hell bent on voter registration fraud especially, in battleground states.  Requiring voter IDs have been naturally shunned by the Democrats with all sorts of lame excuses.  Our corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder has laughingly declared that voter fraud is not a problem, while suing States that have passed voter ID laws. He also refused to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation, even after they admitted it.  There is now a video by James O'keefe showing a white man in Holder's own precinct  being offered a ballot for Holder and not requesting identification, even when it was offered
      The right to vote is a basic premise of any free society. Every citizen has this right and should expect each vote to count as one.  Every illegally cast vote makes every legally cast vote count as that much less than one.  A real Attorney General would make voter fraud a top issue.  In Minnesota, in the 2008 senate election,  Democratic comedian Al Franken beat Republican Norm Coleman in a highly contested election that went all the way to the Minnesota State Supreme Court.  Ballots that were "found" in the back seat of a car days after the election were counted even though in 17 precincts adding them in, meant that there were more votes than registered voters.  The Democratically appointed  supreme court judges allowed these votes to stand, giving Franken the senate seat he would not have gotten otherwise. How ironic it is that the very same people who criticize the The United States Constitution for its 3/5 rule on slaves now want my vote to be worth only .99 or even less instead of one.
      I will continue to keep you posted and I will start vetting Obama in my next post.  Now for a little humor.  Best recipies in the Obama cookbook.  Chicken poodle soup, pug in a blanket, German shepherd's pie, terriermisu, and cream cheese and lox on a beagle.
Question: Why did it take Obama 6 months to pick a dog? Answer: He wanted to find the one that tasted the best. and finally question: What does Obama call Romney's dog in a kennel on top of the car? Answer: meals on wheels.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

First blog

      I've finally started a blog.  Though I don't have any political connections to obtain important interviews at this time, there are certain things that I do very well.  First I am an excellent researcher with a great memory,  I have a broad knowledge of history, I am able to connect the dots, and draw appropriate conclusions.  This is an election year and this election is probably the most important in our nation's history since 1860.  Its result may determine whether American will continue as a great and powerful democratic republic or fail and reemerge as a socialist dictatorship.  I intend to educate you, your friends, and anyone else who is willing to listen to the truth.  I don't admit to having all the answers, but I will try to verify what I present as facts as well as differentiate fact from opinion .  I would like this to be a learning process for me as well and any corrections or comments are most welcome.  Some of my postings will be brief and some may be long enough to post over a period of time.  When relevant I may repost a blog or a previous email I authored.  Thank you for following my blog and please pass it along to everyone.

Doctor Democracy