I know I said a year ago that this would be my last update on the China Virus, but unfortunately the same mistakes are being made due to stupidity, ignorance, and/or on purpose. Probably the biggest and most important errors that was made were the lockdowns. Viruses just don't die out, they end when there is no one left to infect. The length of time this takes is a critical factor. The length of time it takes to achieve herd immunity is most important. With the China virus, a lockdown was ordered early in the course of this pandemic well before if and when a vaccine would be developed. Early on, all we knew for certain was that this virus was most damaging to the elderly, diabetic, obese and those with immunity problems. Those were the people that the government should have informed about protecting themselves, staying in and avoiding contact with those who were infected or had been with those who had been infected. By the way, masks were pretty much useless.
What the lockdowns accomplished was delay the onset of inevitable infections and thus prolong the life of the virus. Prolonging the lifespan of the pandemic means more opportunities for mutations to create variants. Fauci, Brix, and Redfield knew this, but in order to make President Trump look bad, decided on a foolish and ineffective policy. The only way for lockdowns to be effective is for there to be a 100% worldwide lockdown. That means that everyone and everything is shut down. No police, firemen, or first responders. No doctors, nurses, or hospitals. No army, navy, or government, not only in America, but of all countries. In addition, all quantities of the virus in a test tube needed to be destroyed, if the Chinese would even allow it, much less admit that they exist. It is not possible to lockdown the world for three weeks and as we have seen partial lockdowns are worse than no lockdowns. One of the few countries to adopt a policy of no lockdowns was Sweden. Instead, they stayed open, including schools and warned susceptible individuals to be careful. Ignorant people were critical of Sweden, as this policy created a situation in which Sweden seemed to have a few more cases of infection than surrounding countries, but what was happening in Sweden was the faster development of herd immunity, and studies have shown that this is more effective than vaccines. Whereas most European countries have had two three or four spikes in cases, Sweden had no third and fourth spike and now has the lowest infection rate in Europe.
Several other issues have not to be raised. First and foremost, why is the Biden administration, the CDC, and Fauci totally ignoring natural immunity/ At least 40 million Americans have been infected with the virus and recovered. Studies have shown that people with natural immunity are more protected than those who are vaccinated, yet Biden's mandates and those by governors and mayor in blue states totally ignore them even though a test for antibodies is readily available.
Trump's biggest mistake was ,listening to Fauci who already had a failed record during the AIDS scare, saying that there was no reason to shut down gay bath houses in New York City or San Francisco. This resulted in new infections and deaths. He should have been fired then as he didn't follow the science and as now behaved like a politicized bureaucrat. He is certainly not following the science. I realize that the "science" is constantly changing as more and more data becomes available, but one thing a scientist must not do is totally ignore the data, even if he doesn't agree with it. It seems that President Trump was more aware of the data than Fauc,i as he was constantly bring up treatments that seemed to show some promise, but were entirely shot down by Fauci. Hydroxy Chloroquin, for one, could have saved lives or at least reduced the severity of the infection. Masks and antisocial distancing didn't seem to have much effect, yet are still in effect as the public believes it is the only way to stay safe. The masking of children is a terrible thing and was only mandated to appease the communist run teachers unions. The concept of herd immunity has been totally ignored even though at least 40 million Americans have recovered from Covid-19 infections. Peer reviewed science has found that those individuals have antibodies that are more effective and last longer than the the vaccines. Why do those individuals need a vaccine? In the context of things, it is obvious that Fauci and his cadre of swamp bureaucrats did not want Trump reelected and supported Biden who they knew was weak and would be ineffective. The same idiots that are pushing these draconian measures seem to not care about the millions of illegal aliens crossing our southern border, even though data shoes that as many 22% may be infected with the virus or one of its mutants. These illegals serve a useful; purpose to Democrats who leave them in Texas, a red state, or secretly ship them to Florida, another red state with the dual purpose of hurting free red states that have statistically faired far better than rigid blue states, and eventually giving illegal citizenship and the right to become Democrat voters. Joe Biden and his cadre of criminals all have blood of Americans on their hands. The long term political goals of Biden and the democrats is more important than the lives and livelihood of Americans. Biden promised to eliminate the virus, but we now have more viral related deaths under Biden than Trump.
As early as March, 2020, it was obvious to anyone with a brain what the origin of the virus was and it wasn't a wet market. Fauci was funding gain of function research at the virology lab in Wuhan, China via EcoHealth and is one of the reasons why Fauci refused to recognize the real source of the virus. In addition, one of the Chinese scientists at the lab who was working with bat viruses also discussed her work with gain of function. She was disavowed by the Chinese. The Chinese have refused to cooperate and not admitting anything when it comes to the actual source of the virus. This is an obvious tip off, that only the ignorant or anti America could ignore. There are a number of instances of the virus being present in Wuhan, China as early as the mid 2019s. The only real question is was the virus accidentally released or was it released on purpose. No matter what side you take, it is obvious that after discovering the severity of an infection with this virus, the Chinese decided to unleash it on the world. Whereas they shut down travel between Wihan and the rest of China, they continued to ship infected Chinese all over the world including 450K Chinese travelers to the US in January 2020. A huge number were used to infiltrate Europe via Milan, Italy where Chinese workers from Wuhan are used in the fashion industry and Italy held its annual fashion week in early February. The devastation to American and European economies followed as world leaders listened to bureaucrats like Fauci who advised lockdowns, that as pointed out, did little but prolong the life span of the virus. (Is Fauci a Chinese asset? Has he colluded with the Chinese?)
We have been through a variety of mutants, including Delta and now Omicron. Fortunately, virus tend to mutate into an agent that can be more contagious, but usually less virulent, as is the case with Omicron. The real danger of Omicron is not the virus itself, but how Democrat politicians will use it to further their own goals. We have seen that Biden wants to add more draconian measures. Omicron seems to produced mild symptoms that include a runny nose, slight fever, and malaise. The response to Omicron has been way over done. What is going to happen when Pi, Rho, Sigma, etc are discovered? I think the viral scare will hang around at least until the 2022 elections so that illegal and massive mail-in ballots will be forced on the public and surprise surprise the Democrats will maintain control of Congress after the usual 4AM reversals occurr, as in 2020. (If it weren't that the illegal ballots printed in China got stuck off shore, McAuliffe would be the new governor of Virginia. The Democrats will fly those ballots in now so that this will never happen again.)
The Chinese are responsible for millions of deaths and devastation to world economies and deserve to be punished on the world stage. Unfortunately some politicians, who are more interested in preserving their own power and control, are just as responsible. How to end this? First control the virus. Continue to make vaccines realist available to those who want them and offer any surplus to other countries, distributed through the WHO, but only after the current criminals including Tedros are kicked out and replaced with a responsible group. Open the world, but continue to advise those most susceptible to severe outcomes to be careful. Though what China has done is an obvious act of war, WW3 should never be advocated. Instead some sort of reparations should be demanded, such as Chinese forgiveness of debt. This would free many third world countries from Chinese control and help eliminate or debt, even if only a part of it is forgiven. A untied world would have to turn on China for tis to happen.