If you ever followed Superman in Marvel Comics you will recall a character Bizarro Superman. He was a crude version of Superman, rough in his appearance, infantile in his speech, often lacking some superpowers or having powers the opposite of Superman's, creating chaos and misdeeds, and fortunately susceptible to a form of krytonite, such as blue kryptonite.
Joe Biden began creating his bizarro world immediately after his inauguration. As a puppet of Obama (Bizarro Superman in some issues was created by Superman's arch enemy Lex Luther), he immediately began reversing the most successful policies in American history created by the Trump (Superman) administration. He cancelled the XL Pipeline and then stopped drilling and pumping oil and gas in Alaska and other government run lands that had made America energy independent for the first time in decades. In fact, America was raising so much oil and natural gas, that we were exporting it for a tidy amount. He then approved the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline from Russia to Europe, enhancing the Russian economy and began begging OPEC and Russia for oil. We are now getting more oil from Russia than Alaska. Cutting oil production in Alaska made Alaska a much poorer stat.e as the people of Alaska were paid a royalty on the oil that was pumped. Trump had reversed much of Obama's anti American policies and put America on the right track and a vengeful Obama via Susan Rice relayed this message to a mentally confused Biden. Biden's "green" policy is causing inflation not only for energy itself, but nearly every other industry and product that relies on energy for production and/or distribution, and he wants to double down on this stupid policy. Biden's Climate Change czar is John Kerry who is married to a very wealthy woman with yachts. multiple huge residences, and a private jet. Another version of its "okay for me, but not for thee."
Next OBiden opened our southern border, a clear violation of America Law. Obama's and socialist's (progressive is a euphamism for socialist and I refuse to use the term progressive) goal was to admit enough illegal aliens to turn red states blue by, under the cloak of darkness, sending them to and then releasing them in red states. The plan will be to give them amnesty and a path to citizenship. opening the southern border played right into the hands of drug cartels, gang members, and human traffickers as border agents were diverted to register the caravans of illegals from all over the world crossing into America. At the same time Bizarro Biden was mandating Covid vaccination for all Americans, the illegals were said to have a 22% rate of Covid infection, but were neither tested or vaccinated. Another way to get back a red states. Women claiming to be pregnant were not tested as well, even though a pregnancy test takes just a few minutes. Biden's bizarro science totally ignored those that had been infected, but recovered, as numerous studies now show that those people have better immunity than those who have been vaccinated, even with a booster. More than 35 million Americans fall into this category snd are totally ignored by the mandate. People still are forced to wear masks and antisocial distance. It is humorous to watch these stupid government officials try to deal with the unscientific mandates when they know the public is watching, yet go massless at parties and private events.
Look no further than OBiden's bizarro cabinet and appointments to find the worst possible people to serve, but when your primary goal is diversity and inclusivity rather than ability, this is how you wind up. We have more than 350 million Americans. Surely he could have found Americans who are really qualified for those positions. Let' start with his Vice President Kamala Harris. She has already demonstrated that she is so inept that she had to be appointed border czar, knowing on purpose that she would not get anything done. Her popularity numbers are even less than Biden's. She has spent more time knitting rugs, decorating her living space, and stumping for Democrat candidates, than at the border (she has never visited the border). She also helped bail out those who were arrested during the Black Lies Matter riots in Washington, DC. Who selects a former escort to be a running mate, anyway? Unfortunately, she is one heart beat, use of the 25th Amendment, or impeachment away from the presidency. Next we have Mayor Pete who was nominated and confirmed as Transportation Secretary, though he has zero experience with transportation except maybe using a car seat for his newly adopted babies. He even took 2 month off in the midst of a supply chain crisis to "breast feed" with his husband. He is now back on the job, but for all that he is contributing, he might as well have stayed home. Fortunately Neera Tanden withdrew as nominee to head the Office of management and Budget. Her name calling tweets about Republican Senators would have made Trump blush and meant trouble from the onset. In addition, a Marxist, Saule Omarova, has been nominated for Comptroller of the Currency and an environmental activist, Tracey Stone-Manning, who once aided in spiking trees to head the Bureau of Land Management. The new Secretary of Health and Human Services believes in Medicare for all. Other nominees include antisemites and racists. Although Merrick Garland, Obama's failed Supreme Court nominee, passed easily compared to most, he has demonstrated that he is little more than a political hack, who has at the behest of the far left National School Board Association, deemed parents domestic terrorists and, using the Patriot Act as cover, sent the FBI after them. Obama weaponized the administrated branches of government against Republicans, Biden has gone a step further and weaponized them against Americans. Lastly we have Susan Rice who without any experience was appointed as his main domestic advisor. This position did not require a vote from the Senate as she could not have answered questions without lying. Her main function is to serve as the liaison between Obama and the administration.
I have to mention Biden's unscientific response to the China virus. Though I have a full article in the works about how badly it was managed by both administrations, it is worth mentioning that Biden, his CDC, and Dr, Fauci have totally ignored natural immunity acquired by those who have recovered from an infection, Over fifty studies have shown results that term natural immunity better than vaccination. Millions of Americans have natural immunity. His mandates totally ignore this science. In addition, he has mandated masking children who rarely get infected or pass on the virus. Instead he has caved to the America hating teachers unions. He has extended these mandates to the hero's of the pandemic, first responders, and our military. One could not think of a better way to weaken a country. Combine this with Democrat Socialists efforts to eliminate and defund police, and we can see why crime rates are sky rocketing. In his Bizarro world, it is more important to protect criminals rather than honest American citizens.
The Constitution says that the President's main job is to protect America and our sovereignty. Yet Obiden has ignored our southern border. Massive caravans of illegals are crossing our border and then with little or minimal vetting distributed secretly throughout America, though mostly in "red" states. Though 22% are said to be infected with the China Virus, little vetting, vaccination, or treatment. Who knows what if any variant or other terrible diseases, they harbor as they are distributed throughout the country? These illegals are not just from Mexico or Central America, but at least 190 countries are represented. Out of 2 million illegals is it possible for at least one terrorist is in the surge. While our border agents are tied up handling these masses, criminals, gang members, drugs and human traffickers are coming in through areas that are not guarded and record amounts of drugs are being seized. Knowing how ineffectual she is, Obiden appointed Kamala Harris border czar. She has yet failed to visit the border 6 month later. Vaccine mandates have thinned the ranks of border agents as well. I wonder if the Cartels have now began collecting art.
The withdrawal from Afghanistan was exactly the opposite of the way it should have happened, with the troops the last to leave, rather than the first with hundreds of Americans left behind, all so Biden could have a 9/11 photo op. His military advisors claim they gave him proper advice, but he ignored it. This also caused our allies to question American resolve as a strategic partner. Biden further pushed France out of the way on a submarine deal with Australia. He has barely raised a finger to hundreds of Red Chinese warplanes entering Taiwan's airspace. By approving the Nord Stream South pipeline, he has made Europe more dependent on Russia for energy and put Ukraine more at risk. Finally he has rejoined the Paris Accord, that would never be passed by the Senate as a treaty and punishes America. The Accord weakens America and Western Europe. He has resumed giving money to the Palestinians for their "pay for slay" program and is talking about the outrageous possibility of a consulate in Jerusalem for Palestinians. Finally he has tried to resume talks with Iran over their nuclear program while Iranian sponsored surrogates continue to attack Americans and our allies. The original program, negotiated by Kerry and Obama, was terrible to begin with though that and the Paris Accord served as the center pieces of Obama's anemic foreign policy.
Finally, the teacher's unions and leftist Nation Association of School Boards have become the basis for his education policy. Democrat run cities and states have adopted the hate filled and dishonest CRT agenda. This is a waste of time and takes away from the time that children could learn something that is actually useful to their future. The teachers unions have always had undue influence within the Democrat Socialist Party. Doing away with school choice, vouchers, and charter schools have all damaged our children education. Keeping children out of in school learning and the wearing of masks is all part of the unions' anti education agenda, because, lets face it, the main purpose of the teachers' unions is to keep bad teachers employed.
Every thing that Obiden has done seems to have hurt the economy and fueled inflation. Paying people not to work is never a good idea and though the employment numbers seemed great last week, as with Obama, the new unemployed numbers were double that of newly employed. Fortunately his "Build Back Better" bill has not passed and has already been cut back. Unfortunately there are numerous unAmerican items in the bill, especially those giving welfare and amnesty to illegal aliens. In addition there are outlandish sums of money for green energy subsidies, as with Obama, are a waste of money, and doomed for failure. Green energy does have a place, but only when it can survive on its own. This winter will be truly a disaster for many with higher heating bills and high prices for food and toys if they are even available. Obiden is already turning America into Venezuela or the old Soviet Union, with empty selves everywhere.
So far, the "build back bizarro" program is so contentious that the Democrat Socialists are having a problem getting it approved within their own party that clearly has such a small majority that one or two Democrat senators, representing America, have prevented it from passing. Even a reduction in its costs and goals is still having difficulty as the Socialists want to bankrupt America. The 2022 midterm elections are just a year away, but can't come soon enough.