Now that we are starting to recover from the Chinese biowarfare attack with Covid-19, most states are starting to loosen the harsh restriction, most of which should never have been necessary in the first place, but were unavoidable due to lack of knowledge about the behavior of the China virus. Of course, the perfidy of the Communist Chinese by keeping it a secret and then falsifying data didn't help, especially when the WHO aided and abetted China's crime. Tedros, an Ethiopian communist and nonphysician, should be tried at the World Court for his crimes against humanity that so far have left nearly 400,000 dead worldwide and caused trillions in economic damage, all so China could dominate the world economies. Fortunately, even with the recent riots by far-left groups in American cities, recovery will happen, but just a little more delayed and China's crimes will backfire as they once again will become a worldwide pariah. As you know from following my blog the true story will never be officially revealed, as that would mean WW3. The MSM hates Trump so much that it decided to play the daily Chinese fake briefings on the virus, that blames Trump and the American army for creating and spreading the virus. That is what happens when the corrupt and amoral MSM hates Trump, more than they love America and Americans.
Today's article is about statistics and how to understand them and the fake analysis that left-wing news services have been trying to force down our throats. It is obvious that most of the states and cities that remain locked down the longest have been in areas controlled by Democrat politicians, who hope to benefit from prolonged lockdowns. They think that they can weaken the President before the 2020 elections as they know that unemployment will rise and many businesses will fail or barely hang on. With the economy contracting during the first and probably the second quarter, the MSM will proudly claim a recession and of course blame it on President Trump. Trying to keep America locked down, they are already pointing out that the opening up is not working as many new cases are being reported. That is true, but here is why they lie. It is pitiful to watch Joe Biden try to parrot the blame Trump mantra, as he can barely speak a coherent sentence.
Yes, the statistics show many new cases and will continue to do so. When the China virus first attacked us, testing was very limited and the supply of decent tests was very limited. American ingenuity rapidly produced tests that were verifiable, and went from taking almost a week to interpret to minutes. Due to the conservation of resources, testing was limited almost exclusively to people who were ill and symptomatic. Still early on, only about 25% of sick patients tested were infected. Eventually, as more tests were available people, who were more at risk were tested as well. This included health care workers and first responders and the elderly, particularly those in nursing homes. Nursing home patients who tested positive were either quarantined or sent to hospitals if symptomatic. Some healthcare workers and first responders tested positive but were asymptomatic and were told to self-quarantine for two weeks. As more and more tests were performed that ratio of positive cases to negative ones continued to show that the vast majority of people who tested positive were asymptomatic, but that few distinct groups of people were more susceptible to becoming symptomatic. Those included the elderly, people with pre-existing conditions, and people whose immunity was weak. It also showed that African Americans seemed more symptomatic as well. The answer to this is only speculative, but with the recent riots, it is possible that there may be a rise in new cases. Currently, the ratio of deaths to positive cases is less than 6% and that should continue to drop as more people are being tested. So far these are about 1.85 million positive tests and there are 106,000 deaths The number of tests is 18 million. As more and more people are tested, especially in states coming out of lockdown, the number of positive tests will increase, most of which should be asymptomatic. If antibody testing is used, even more people would have been found to have had the virus. The positive test to death ratio will continue to drop as it has been doing all along. Therefore a rise in new cases should be expected and ignored, as long as the rate of deaths and critical patients continues to drop.
As expected, the MSM either through ignorance or on purpose has wrongly interpreted the statistics. This is for three very obvious reasons. Either they are dumb, or the reality doesn't fit their agenda, or both. They want to return to a lockdown status. As I pointed out in my previous articles, the longer a state or city stays in lockdown, they are more susceptible to major outbreaks in the fall. Staying locked down delays herd immunity that suffocates the virus. The left has even tried to say that talking about herd immunity, is Nazism style racism and about creating a master race. Huh. A fall outbreak could be blamed on Trump, right before the election. In addition, longer lockdowns will further damage the economy, something else the Democrats would try to blame on Trump, They are so hungry for power and control that they will lie and cheat. They will stop at nothing to achieve these goals, especially damage America and Americans. Let's hope this backfires on them and we experience a red tsunami come November.