Monday, February 17, 2020

The Anyone But Bernie Movement

      The first two Democrat primaries are over (I think Iowa is over) and Bernie Sanders seems to be in the lead and seems to have momentum going into the Nevada primary.  Biden, on the other hand is slipping badly, and only a decisive win in South Carolina can save "Sleepy" Joe from another failed Presidential campaign.  This worries the Democrat Party elite as they realize that Bernie can't win a Presidential election and in fact will cause a massive red tsunami in November.  This has caused a very obvious 'anyone but Bernie" movement among the Democrat party elite   If Bernie goes on to win the nomination out right, it will probably keep many Democrats from going to the polls or they may even vote for Trump and turn both houses of Congress over to the Republicans as they can't say "if you don't want to vote for Bernie, at least get out and vote for everyone else."  That would cause a huge revolt among Bernie supporters, maybe even riots and violence.  A Bloomberg outright win would upset the Sanders far left wing of the party and they just might stay at home as well, probably claiming the obvious, that he bought himself the nomination and that he isn't really a Democrat. (Bernie isn't either, as he has always called himself an Independent as I guess he doesn't want to pay party dues.)
      The best the elite can hope for is for Biden to rally and that Buttigieg, Warren, and Klobuchar get enough delegates to keep them funded and in the race (they may have to convince some party backer to keep their campaigns funded) and end up with a brokered convention and then not allowing much bartering between the first and second ballots.  The super delegates could help as well.  Then the party elite in a smoke filled room would get to decide who they think would have the best chance to beat Trump or at least hold the party together, as it is ready to explode.  The natural choice to do this is Michelle Obama.  Next to HRC, she has been the most active First Lady after leaving office, appearing on numerous television shows, speaking at events, having books written for her, and giving magazine interviews.  She and Barack are even making a NETflix documentary that will probably be out just in time for the actual presidential campaign.  That can't just be a coincidence. Barack has said women make the best leaders and he has failed to endorse anyone, including his former VP Biden.  Though she denies wanting to run for  President, her actions speak louder than words.  By not running in the primaries, she remains untarnished by the grind and back and forth that goes on between the various candidates and the media remaining unscathed from the democrat Convention and would only have to fend off whatever dirt Trump wants to sling.  Like Barack, she would have enough henchmen to sling dirt at Trump that she would seem to remain above the fray and claim the high ground, while the old Obama muckrakers go to town on Trump.  This, of course, would include the MSM, who would love the choice.
      Michelle Obama would attract some Sanders supporters, because in reality she is about as far left as he is in an agenda for all Americans,(but herself).  This might prevent blood in the streets of Milwaukee from violent Sanders supporters.  She could also claim two things that identity politics loves, she is a woman and she is black.  They can even make her out to be a victim as Trump and the conservative media start up on her.  The debates  would be interesting.  Like Barack, she has little to show, but a lot to say.
      One additional comment.  HRC at first turned down the hypothetical opportunity to be the VP nominee if Bloomberg won the nomination, but now she after giving it some thought, has had a chance of heart and would welcome the opportunity.  Hmmm.  If that were the case and I were Micheal Bloomberg, I'd be very careful not to have an "accident" or deadly "medical condition," as that might be HRC's last chance to become President.