Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Blame Obama and Holder for the Massacre in Parkland

     When the terrible tragedy occurred in Parkland, Florida on February 14, many tried to place blame.  Of course anytime anyone fires a shot, its theNRA's fault and then liberals started to blame President Trump, I don't know why.  As more and more was learned, the FBI and local Police were blamed for not arresting or at least following up on information they had received and finally four sheriff's deputies were blamed for not charging into the school building while shots were being fired.  I would like to offer another source of blame after digging deeper into why this tragedy happened.
      I have written about Obama's unexplained weakness on crime.  First he had his AG Eric Holder release Black Panthers, who were ready to plead guilty to charges that they intimidated white voters at a Philadelphia polling place during the 2008 election.  Then he released or comminuted the sentences for 1625 drug dealers, many with concomitant gun charges, in the midst of a drug epidemic.  Some have already been rearrested.  But what does that have to do with Parkland and Nikolas Cruz? Let me explain.
Robert Runcie
    Obama decided he wanted to end the school house to the big house routine that affected so many black male teens, so he instructed school boards and superintendents that in exchange for federal grants, they would go easy on bad boys.  Don't suspend them or report them to the police unless their offenses were very severe.  This was named the Promise Program and the first city town the experiment this was Chicago, a city with a terrible school system, but always in need of money. Robert Runcie was named the superintendent.  Bad kids were not suspended and not reported to the police, so that they would have a clean record when they dropped out, flunked out, or graduated from high school and became gang members, if they weren't already.  Unfortunately some of these teenagers became both victims and perpetrators on the Southside of Chicago and are in part responsible for its unacceptable murder rate.  Obviously they, especially the dead ones, and the community would have been better off if they were in prison.
Nikolas Cruz
Sheriff Scott Israel with Naser Hamze a deputy he recruited,
who is also a leading CAIR official.
      Eventually the Promise Program found its way to Broward County, Florida, the seventh largest school system in the country.  Broward had a high rate of suspensions and arrests in its school system and with the "promise" of federal funds, the liberal school board was all in on the Promise Plan.  The Broward County School Board even hired Robert Runcie away from Chicago in order to improve statistics.  Runcie put the word out to school principals to stop suspending students and calling the police except for the worst offenders.  Police were told to look the other way as well.  Broward County Sheriff, Scott Israel, being a loyal Obama supporter, told his deputies to relax their arrest standards and as expected statistics improved tremendously at the expense of the students that were in school to learn and not have their educational experience disrupted by bad boys. One of these bad boys was Nikolas Cruz who apparently brought knives, bullets, and drugs to school.  Not only was this ignored, but so were dozens of calls to the police outside of school not to mention the FBI ignoring calls for help shortly before the shootings.  If he had been arrested, he would not have easily and legally purchased many of the guns he possessed, including an AR-15.  Whether the lack of a legally obtained AR-15 would have prevented him from obtaining one illegally or prevented him from his vile crime with other weapons is mute, but obviously something to consider.
