I haven't posted in a while, so this is just a blog written for some catch up. Events are happening so rapidly, its hard to interpret and keep up. So this is an update of some previous blogs. As you have learned from my 6/22/17 blog, during the terrible drug epidemic going on all over America, Obama released 1625 drug dealers, some with gun convictions as well, from prison early. Some have been arrested again. Now we have learned that Obama forced the DOJ to abandon prosecutions for illegal activity learned from Operation Cassandra, a DEA probe into Hezbollah's drug, weapons, and explosive smuggling and money laundering activity in South America in order that it not stand in the way of his terrible Iran deal. In a plan hatched by John Brennan, Obama's NSA chief, DEA investigators and their bosses were told to stand down and not prosecute Hezbollah operatives who were smuggling cocaine and weapons into the US and then laundering the proceeds directing the money to Hezbollah factions in Syria and Lebanon for their terror activities. Hezbollah serves as a proxy for Iran in those areas. Many Americans have been killed or wounded by Hezbollah including those killed in the Beirut bombing of the marine barracks in 1983 as well as in Iraq since the 2000s. Attorney General Sessions has ordered a review of operation Cassandra to uncover the wrong doing that has to involve Holder/Lynch and Obama and maybe Secretary Kerry. This investigation will show how much disdain Obama has for the American people and will be hard to be ignored by the MSM who has failed to report on what I reported in my blog. A president who would release drug dealers and abandon prosecutions for drug smuggling and money laundering cares little for the American people. This story is not going to go away. This certainly smacks of treason.
The next story update involves Mueller's investigations of collusion with Russia, by the Trump campaign. So far and probably never ever will any collusion (whatever that means) by the Trump team will ever be found, but what has been uncovered is collusion by the HRC team with Russia, via the fake dossier, bought and paid for by the HRC and the DNC from Russia, via former British spy Christopher Steele and mediated through Fusion GPS a group that works closely with the DNC to uncover dirty information on Republican candidates. Apparently this fake dossier was shopped to the FBI and whether the FBI paid anything for it is still unknown and part of an investigation. It was used, though, as the basis for obtaining FISA warrants for candidate Trump and his campaign associates. When President Trump complained that he had been the victim of government surveillance, the MSM made fun of him and now we know that it was true. Hundreds if not thousands of phone conversations, emails, and other possible contacts were monitored and the names of Americans unmasked. Persons high up in the Obama administration sought these FISA warrants including known liar and Obama protector Susan Rice who lied and initially denied unmasking anyone, but later admitted to it, and UN Ambassador Samantha Power, who would have no reason to unmask anyone and denied it, even though her name is on the warrants. Recently we have learned of an anti Trump pro HRC FBI agent named Peter Strzok who had his hand in nearly every investigation involving the Clintons including rewriting James Comey's Clinton report to exchange the word "careless" instead of "negligent," as the word "negligent" is actually used in part of the law the HRC broke. Furthermore Strzok had connections with Fusion GPS and the fake dossier and was on the Mueller team until he was quietly removed for his extremely biased activities. It was learned from his emails that "Andy" had an "insurance policy" if Donald Trump was actually elected. "Andy," of course, is Andrew McCabe the assistant director of the FBI. McCabe's wife was running for the Virginia State Senate and via Terry McAuliffe, Clinton ally and all around scum bag, funneled more than $675K into her campaign from state Democrat Party and DNC pac funds. She still lost. This was shortly after the illegal email server was discovered. McCabe was subsequently promoted and placed in charge of the investigation of the illegal server. Thats not all. It was just learned that over 500K emails were found on the laptop shared by top Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her husband convicted pedophile Anthony Weiner. More than a hundred of these emails were top secret. Though unverified, word has it that they are separately negotiating for a deal from a new DOJ probe. Things seem to be closing in on HRC and an indictment should be in the offing. My best guess is that HRC will claim illness, both real or made up based on what was obvious from the campaign, and settle for a fine and slap on the wrist. She may also have to keep her lying mouth shut (best of all). Andrew McCabe has announced he will retire after the first of the year.
That's not the only bad news for HRC. The DOJ is going to open an investigation of the Uranium One deal and undercover informant William Campbell is scheduled to testify before Congress, unless he has an "accidental death" or "suicide" before hand. Where exactly his testimony will lead is still unknown. Hopefully it will expose the corruption, bribery, and money laundering that was related to the deal as well as Bill Clinton's $500K speech in Russia and $145 million laundered through a Canadian pass through charity to the Clinton Foundation, that was set up by the man who brokered the deal will also bring light to the p4p Clinton modus operandi and who prevented the FBI investigation from being disseminated to Obama's committee that voted to approve it. Finally, we have learned that the trucking company involved in bribery and money laundering, RSB Logistics Services Inc, received a license to transfer uranium out of the US and into Canada. Of course yellow cake uranium is a commodity and like most commodities, relatively fungible. Where the uranium went from Canada one can merely guess, but it is known that some of the uranium went from Canada to European processing plants and to Asia and then to? Maybe Iran, Russia, or N. Korea. The investigation is just beginning and also bears watching. Strzok name also comes up in the earlier FBI investigation before the deal was consummated. It appears that there is a group in the FBI and DOJ that was politicized (like many other parts of the executive branch of government) during the Obama regime and has remained as a deep state to undermine President Trump. I'm hope you recall that President Bush fired all of the attorneys hired by the Clinton regime and the MSM went crazy, but when Obama did the dame thing to the Bush appointees, it was silent.
One last story, though not really an update. There is no evidence that the DNC server was hacked by the Russians as the FBI never examined it. Instead they took the word of the DNC. For those of you who follow my blog, it has become increasing clear that it was Seth Rich who was tortured, murdered and robbed of the thumb drive that he had used to download the emails. It all comes down to who do you trust. HRC, DWS, the DNC, Peter Strzok, Vladmir Putin, or Wikileaks Julian Assange. I trust the later more than all of the them, especially since Assange has offered a reward for Rich's killers, hinting he knows more than all the others and he doesn't lie. It is possible that if HRC is convicted of one of her many crimes, a new investigation by an incorruptible FBI will be opened and the truth will be told.
I would like to thank all of you for making this the most successful year for my blog as my readership continues to grow. A belated happy Hanukkah to my Jewish followers, merry Christmas to my Christian followers, and a happy healthy, wealthy, and truthful New Years to all.