As most of you know, who follow my blog, the global warming and climate change hoax is a topic for frequent discussion. With time running out, the left is doubling down to try to convince us that apocalyptic anthropogenic global warming and climate change are real and if we do not drastically cut our use of carbon based fuels, an environmental apocalypse will shortly be upon us. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Several recent events have almost gone unnoticed by the media, but thankfully not by me. The first is a whistleblower action within the Department of Interior by an Obama appointee, Joel Clement. Mr. Clement is a firm believer in anthropogenic global warming and prior to being hired, he worked for the Wilburforce Foundation which is a far left pass through charity using the environment as a cover. Some of the donations it makes are to legitimate environmental charities, but on close examination many are far left fronts that list among their goals social justice. Mr. Clement claims to be a whisper blower who was given a sideways promotion into the audit department from the policy department with no cut in pay. He should have been fired as his mistaken beliefs that disagrees with his boss and the President. I doubt if his suit will go anywhere. He just another "deep state" mine that Obama has planted.
On a more serious matter, a number of states and communities have attempted to sue Exxon-Mobile and other oil companies for damages they claim are due to global warming. The first of the more serious laewsuits was files by the New York and Massachusetts AG against Exxon. What began as a ridiculous suit concerned with the Exxon-Valdez disaster in Prudhomme Bay, Alaska forty years earlier morphed into a witch hunt, claiming Exxon has lied to its investors about the size and scope of its gas and oil reserves. Although geological surveys are useful, determining size and scope of oil reserves is not very accurate. Up until about a dozen years ago, it was felt that just about all of the oil that existed in the world had been discovered. This was called the theory of "peak oil." Then fracking came along and hundreds more years worth of oil and gas were quickly discovered. Fracking even rejuvenated old oil wells that were thought to be dry. The courts quickly realized that the two states AGs, Maura Healy of Massachusetts and Eric Schneiderman of New York had political and possibly unconstitutional motives and in March transferred the filings to the Federal District Court of Southern New York. Judge Ed Kinkeade rightly said that this was no longer a matter for the Federal District Court of Northern Texas, Ft. Worth Division. Many articles have appeared on this cases and one discusses a secret meeting that the two AGs had with global warming activists, attorneys, and Algore. The Wall Street Journal questioned that if Exxon could be sued for possibly exaggerating oil reserves, could Algore be sued for grossly exaggerated the so-called effects of climate change, as it greatly benefitted him financially. I think this case has opened up a whole can of worms for the left and I doubt if it will go anywhere although strange things can happen in our courts.
Now a number of coastal California communities are suing Exxon and and 36 other major energy firms claiming that a rising sea level in their communities is due to anthropogenic climate change, placing the blame on the carbon producers and not the users. This was a similar strategy that was used against the tobacco companies with the airline stewardesses. Not one cigarette produced any problems until someone lit it up and in fact back in the day stewardess, now called flight attendants, were often seen puffing away in the plane's galley while taking a break or preparing drinks and meals. They couldn't very well sue themselves or each other could they. Wonder what California would say, if oil gas and coal companies offered to pull their products from California and let California survive on solar, wind, hydroelectric, and biofuels. Public transportation, i.e. non electric automobiles, buses, trains, and jets couldn't be used. They could resort to hay burners, but we know that horses and donkeys also emit carbon containing 'exhausts." Farting in public could also be banned. California, well on its way to becoming Venezuela, would become Venezuela.
We all know that apocalyptic global warming was first described by Gunther Schwab, an Austrian Nazi, in his book Dance With the Devil. The fictional work was aimed at America in response to the destruction of the Third Reich and the suicide of his beloved Hitler. This whole pile of garbage started because of two paragraphs in the entire book. Let me just review the science that is irrefutable. CO2 is a vital gas, that without its existence, all life would vanish. It makes up only 0.5% of our atmosphere and in temperate climates the atmospheric amount can vary over 100% with it being as low as 0.3% in summer and 0.75% in late winter. Other so called "greenhouse gases" such as H2O, CH4, O2, and NO2 (water vapor, methane, oxygen, and nitrous oxide) all all necessary for life and were necessary for life to begin. Without them Earth would be lifeless like Mars. So now the so called global warming experts are telling us life is bad. do they also believe on abortion on demand?
A few other myths need to be exposed. The so called consensus of 97% of scientists believing that anthropogenic global warming is real, was based on unscientific and biased polling. Scientific journals like Science were forced to print a retraction of the article's claims. That polar bear population in Alaska and Canada have not flourished like those in other Arctic areas is true, but not because of lack of ice. Polar bears are a protected species and have quadrupled in number since 1975 going from about 5000 in 1975 to more than 20,000 today. Only in Alaska and Canada where the inuits are permitted to shoot them from their snow mobiles have the populations not grown. Maybe we should look into that, if we want more polar bears. Likewise the falling moose population of Minnesota was blamed on global warming. The real cause was making the wolf population an endangered species. Taking the wolves off the endangered species list and allowing a limited hunting season has seen a nice comeback of the moose population.
Finally none of the apocalyptic disasters that huge doom and gloom purveyors have predicted have or are coming to pass. Instead real, unaltered, or cherry picked data show some global cooling, that according Russian astronomers may be at the onset of a period of abnormally cold weather like we experienced in the 70s.
So who benefits from saying that anthropogenic global warming is real? First are the unscrupulous scientists who are willing to falsify data in order to keep the grant money flowing from legitimate and some not so legitimate sources. Then there are the greedy like Algore who has made hundreds of millions of dollars from the hoax. Finally the main proponents are those that want to see the collapse of American and western economies, the far fa left.
I'm going to end this article with the following: if you believe in apocalyptic anthropogenic global warming you are either a Nazi, a communist, an idiot, or just too gullible and too lazy to do any research on your own.