I know it has been a long time since I published a blog. Things have happened so fast that it has been hard to keep up. I apologize and will try to finish up relevant ones I've started plus continue with new ones. Please keep up your loyal readership and pass them on to friends.
Liberals and the Democrat Party in its effort to have President Donald Trump fail have shown an unprecedented level of hypocrisy that can hurt America, but I doubt if they care. Except on the coasts filled with elitists, the rest of the country has spoken and had not only given the Republicans the White House, but majorities in both houses of Congress. In addition, 2/3 of governorships and most state legislatures are run by a Republican majority. Analysts have stated that the reason for such an overwhelming victory for President Trump and the Republicans is that the Democrats had a poor strategy, bad candidate(s), and of course the excuse they favor, Russian interference. There is some truth to the two former reasons and none to the later. In fact, if anything, the Russians would have wanted HRC to win as they have already found that she can be bought, as she accepted $145 million funneled through a Canadian charity to the Clinton Foundation to sell US Uranium to the Russians. This is nothing new for the Clintons, as Bill sold missile guidance technology to the Red Chinese army in 1996 for $20 million in illegal campaign contributions. There was no demand for investigations by the Democrat party for any of these crimes of treason. I believe that it has become more and more apparent that hypocrisy has caused the coalitions that make up the support for the Democrat Party to fall apart as those within some of these groups have begun to see the light.
Though African Americans still support the Democrat Party in huge numbers, they have begun to realize that they are at the bottom of the ladder within the Democrat Party. The Democrat Part wants to keep African Americans in their place as victims needing government support to survive. Though they give speeches about education, they favor the teachers' union over their black constituency, taking away vouchers from those exceptional students who had the opportunity for a superb education that would provide the opportunity to become future leaders. By favoring the unions, Democrats support keeping bad teachers employed even if they don't teach, but are put up in warehouses as in New York City, valuable resources are denied to money starved communities. The denial of quality primary education, means that African Americans need to rely on affirmative action, a very destructive program that results in tokenism. With a great primary education there would be no need for affirmative action,
The support of illegal immigration also significantly affects the African American community. Nearly all illegal immigrants are unskilled and willing to work for less than unskilled African Americans whose education or lack of it puts them in direct competition for jobs. It also forces African Americans to vie with illegals for education and even welfare benefits, as illegals share the funds for both. If President Trump can provide jobs, improve educational opportunities, and reduce crime, it may prove a game changer for the Republican Party. The Black Caucus is running scared for their jobs as a successful Trump plan for there communities would put them out of work.
Democrats ignore the high crime levels and in particular the murder rate. Some of the crime involves African America gangs warring with Latin gangs, consisting mostly of illegal from south of our border. Poor education and lack of jobs are responsible for directing young African males into crime and turn women to welfare. Yet it is hypocrisy for Democrats and Obama to want to empty our prisons and put these criminals back into the community. Is it any wonder that the murder rate is so high? Democrats push gun control, and yet do not want to support the laws that are already on the books. Members of the NRA are not the ones committing crimes and gun violence in our Democrat controlled inner cities. Despite the alarming death rate due to narcotic addition, Obama committed sentences for nearly a thousand drug dealers. What does he expect these criminals are going to do when they hit the streets again, sell bubble gum? Finally legalizing recreational marijuana will create malaise within the African American community as it more readily available, hurting job performance for those that can get jobs and denying jobs to those who test positive. Yet the elitist liberals, who back gun control and open borders, have houses surrounded by fences and walls with guard dogs and armed body guards for their personal protection. Signs reading "armed response" are ubiquitous in Beverly Hills, California.
If it weren't for the money that they could donate to the Democrat Party, Jews would be abandoned by the Democrat Party as well. Only ignorant or self hating Jews could have tolerated Obama's anti Semitism and hatred for Israel. Congressman Ellison a Jew hating Muslim from Minnesota, has garnered enough support that he almost became DNC chairman. Israel was originally written out of the Democrat Party platform in 2012 and was only put back in by a questionable voice vote. As a result, Jews are starting to abandon the Democrat Party.
The Democrats also exhibit a similar hypocrisy when it comes to women. Muslim refugees are supported over American women. The Muslim religion and its Sharia Law treats women as little more than slaves, whose main purpose is to supply their husbands with sex and male children while cooking, cleaning, and keeping quiet like a good little slave. It is obvious that the main problem that European countries have had with an influx of Muslim immigrants and refugees is a total lack of assimilation, except when it comes to accepting welfare benefits. Our experience is pretty much the same. Some in Muslim communities, have proven to be vulnerable to radicalization and terrorist activities. If there was a consensus in the world to get rid of terrorism, there would be far fewer Muslim immigrants and no refugees. NATO has failed to act in an effective way, and now we are all paying the price. Thank Obama and his ilk.
It is astonishing that the Democrats are calling for a special prosecutor to investigate the Trump Administration over contacts with Russia. Let's see, let me count the special prosecutors that were impaneled during Obama's regime. Despite "Fast and Furious", Benghazi, IRS targeting of conservatives, disappearance of billions of State Department funds, the Clinton email server, the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department, the misuse of Obamacare funds, and grants to "green" companies that were headed for bankruptcy, not a single special prosecutor was called for by the Democrats. And we all remember Obama's comments over a live mike to Medvedev before the 2012 elections. Did the Russians cause Obama to get elected in 2012? Lets impanel a special prosecutor.
Along with freedom of speech, the right to vote is fundamental to living in a free society. A photo identification of some sort is necessary for many other rights and privileges such a travel, purchasing alcohol, tobacco, or a gun and driving an automobile. My bank requires me to show a photo ID when cashing a check for my own money, yet somehow liberals are opposed to a photo ID for voting, even when the cost is free. I wonder how many voters do not carry some form of personal identification. I don't hear liberals complaining about showing an ID to TSA to fly commercially or allowing just anyone to purchase a gun which is a right according to the Second Amendment. I guess if you want more votes than registered voters in a precinct a photo ID would be a bad idea. Liberals also oppose cleansing the voting rolls of the dead and people no longer residing in the precinct. In cities like Chicago dead people have voted for a hundred years and its always for the Democrat candidate.
Finally liberal and Democrat hypocrisy over global warming, seems to support that it is more about controlling energy and the economy, than about protecting the planet. One might think that advocates of this false and dangerous concept would support their position by doing what they want all of us to do, altering our life styles. Instead they are some of the biggest carbon users. Obama was the worst, flying around the country just to give a speech he could have given in the Oval office, or flying to NYC for a date night with his wife. He and his wife also took separate airplanes to their vacation destinations. Jet fuel emits lots of carbon dioxide. Al Gore would never modify his life style, using private jets and limos on his worldwide jaunts and most recently, we have learned about the ultimate hypocrisy in that Leonardo DiCaprio, another elitist liberal supporter of global warming, flew a beautician 7500 miles round trip to make certain his eyebrows looked good at the academy awards.
I know that I could also site some examples of Republican hypocrisy as well, especially when it comes to taxes and spending, though not on a scale like the Democrats. Stand by for part 2.