The DNC convention produced an historic first. It was the first time a privileged criminal was the presidential nominee of a major political party. The Dems and mainstream media called the Republic convention chaotic and without unity, the Dems convention was even more chaotic and disjointed than the Republicans.
It all started when Wikileaks released thousands of hacked DNC emails. The emails showed that Bernie was correct, that the race for nominee was rigged in favor of Hitlery Clinton. What else did anyone expect. The committee chair since 2012 was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz a worthless career politician who supported Hitlery in 2008 against Obama. Her only accomplishment during her 5 year term was getting Obama reelected, and that wouldn't have happened if Romney had been a stronger and more aggressive campaigner. She lost both the House and Senate to the Republicans who were able to thwart some of the reckless and devastating Obama agenda. Trump tried to joke about the Russians, who were accused of hacking the DNC, turning over the 33k Hitlery emails that were deleted. If those emails were really about yoga classes and Chelsea's wedding, who cares. If they did contain incriminatingState Department information that Hitlery wanted to hide , then Hitlery is lying again. What do you think?
The DNC was supposed to be neutral, treating all candidates the same, but the Democrat primaries really didn't count. The Democrat Party doesn't trust the voters, and so the nomination was decided by the politically elite super delegates. So much for "one man, one vote." Bernie would get more votes in a state's primary, but Hitlery would get more delegates due to the super delegates. Debbie scheduled the debates on the weekend so there would be fewer viewers and then wanted to use Bernie's religion or lack of it against him in the South. Bernie certainly got "burned" by the DNC. Finally they even intervened in the Republican primaries by helping to organize the anti Trump demonstration in San Francisco. There is certainly the question of illegality of this biased activity. She expected to slam down the gavel to open the ceremonies, but instead she was forced to resign was even booed by her own Florida delegation and the Bernie supporters. Debbie, who was so willing to do what she was told, lie for the party elite, and guarantee Hitlery as the nominee, was through or was she? Hitlery learned well from Obama. Those who kept their mouth's shut got rewarded. She was made honorary chairwomen of Hitlery's presidential campaign. The temporary party chairman fell to Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the young mayor of Baltimore, who prevented police action during the riots that devastated Baltimore. Great choice!
Noticeable during the chaos of the first day was the absence of the American flag. In fact, there were more Mexican and Palestinian flags in the venue. The American (and Israeli) flags were present outside the venue and were being burned by the demonstrators. After this was pointed out a few small flags appeared the next day.
The theme of the convention is that America is doing just great and let's continue with the course of the last eight years. Moochelle on the first day and her husband on the third hammered home this point. It was almost as if Obama was campaigning for a third term and Hitlery was insignificant. On the second day the mother of Ferguson, Missouri thug Michael Brown, Lesley McSpadden spoke to placate the Black Lives Matter movement and pander for the black vote. McSpadden herself was recently accused of crimes. In response to he clamor and controversy that arose over this, the mothers of murdered police officers were hurriedly rounded up and given the opportunity to speak on Thursday. A variety of anti Trump flame throwers also spoke including Elizabeth "Pocahantus" Warren, Joe "Plugs" Biden, and Michael Blumberg. To counter the mothers of two of the Americans, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods, who died at the hands of terrorists at Benghazi, who spoke at the Republican Convention of Hitlery lying to them over their sons' caskets and Mrs. Smith said she held Hitlery responsible for her son's death, the Dems selected a Gold Star family, who just happened to be Muslim ( only 0.02% of Gold Star families are Muslim), screamed about Trump not knowing the Constitution. (They could have screamed at Obama as well for whom the Constitution represents an annoyance rather than a sacred document on which our country was founded. ( I'd be happy to show Obama and Hillary my copy that is with me ay all times.))
Besides saying we were doing just fine and that all we needed was more Obamacare, taxes, regulations, gun control, and open borders, the Republican nominee Donald Trump was attacked without mercy. Anti Israel, pro Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood Vice Presidential nominee, Tim Kaine looked like a caricature of a bug-eyed mad man as he railed against Trump. If you believed all the lies, then you're either dumb, uniformed, a victim of the mainstream media, or probably all three.
During her acceptance speech, Hitlery attacked Donald Trump more than saying anything substantive about what she would do if elected. Amazingly, Melania Trump got days and days of criticism for allegedly aping Moochelle, but Hitlery got none for plagiarizing Ronald Regan's "America is great because America is good" from a 1987 speech.
I was amazed that so many people in this country are enthusiastic about voting for a woman who should be in prison, who sacrificed America's security in order to benefit herself, her husband, and daughter through the "Pay for play" money she squeezed out of foreign and domestic contributors to the Clinton Criminal Foundation and say nothing canned speeches. The Foundation has been designed to give about 10% of the donations for good purposes and give the rest to the Clintons to support a lavish life style. Many of the people support Hitlery though they don't trust her. Seventy per cent of all Americans do not. They say she is experienced, but experience as a failure doesn't really qualify does it. She has two successes, avoiding prison and
The lies about Trump are that he was anti women, Black, immigrants, and Muslim. That's not the truth and anyone who says that is a liar. I have never heard Trump say anything negative about Blacks. In fact, he wants to get jobs for blacks rather than EBT cards. He is against illegal aliens not legal immigrants, He wants to restrict Muslims who come from areas rife with terror and who can't be vetted. Finally as an employer he has appointed many qualified women to high paying important jobs.
Finally, at the risk of sounding somewhat sexist, I'd like to mention that Hitlery Clinton became the first woman nominated for president by a major political party.