On February 13 SCOTUS justice Antonin Scalia died in his sleep while on a hunting trip in Texas. Nominated by Ronald Reagan, he had served on the Supreme Court for nearly 30 years and in my opinion is the last great American jurist. His death marks a real tragedy for America, as it could give Obama an opportunity to nominate another unqualified far left jurist as he has done twice in the past. Furthermore it could give the far left a majority of justices on critical issues that will allow Obama to further his campaign to destroy America. (Yes, Marco Rubio is correct. Obama knows exactly what he is doing and is willing to lie, cheat, and steal to accomplish his nefarious ends right out of his favorite book, Rules For Radicals.) He has so much disdain for Scalia that he is not even going to the funeral, but instead sending his boy Joe Biden whose main job as vice president has been to attend funerals and events that go against Obama's anti America and pro Muslim beliefs.
Because supreme court justices serve for life or until they decide on their own to step down, a radical left justice will give the left a majority even for a short time even if the Republicans win in November. Ruth Bader Ginsberg is ill and will probably not serve another five years, meaning the next president will have the opportunity to nominate a supreme court justice. If for no other reason, it is important to vote, and vote Republican. Obama and, if his successor is a Democrat, will select judges that will ignore rather than follow our Constitution. Amazingly Stephen Breyer, a Clinton appointee, has apparently not even read the Constitution for he ignores his job description. He believes that not only should he interpret and use the Constitution of the United States when rendering an opinion, but that it is okay to use the Constitutions of other countries. Elena Kagan may be of the same persuasion as she eliminated United States Constitutional Law as a freshman law course and replaced it with a comparative constitutional law course. Obama who took this course is no constitutional scholar and seems to confuse our Constitution with those of Iran, France, and Saudi Arabia or ignore constitutional law altogether.
One thing I can't understand, is that Scalia's family did not request an autopsy. (Were they threatened?) It is certainly possible that he was poisoned or even suffocated and repositioned in repose, as if he was already in a coffin. It is unusual for someone to sleep in that position. Though I do not have any proof that he was murdered, there is also no proof to the contrary. If you recall in the book The Pelican Brief by James Gresham, Supreme Court justice were murdered in order to allow new justices to be selected that would be favorable to a wealthy campaign backer's case. Are there any critical cases before the Supreme Court that are critical to Obama and his backers. As I see it there are two. The first involves a case in which individuals within a labor union do not want their dues to be contributed to political candidates that they don't like and want their dues reduced. Since the unions most commonly give huge amounts of money to Democrats, if many union members don't have to contribute for political actions, the Democrat party would loose a lot of money. union corruption and criminal activity have a long and sordid history, so this case would certainly be a reason for murder. The second case, the most important one, involves global warming. The Supreme court has issued a stay that prevents Obama from signing the global warming treaty he hashed out in Paris until its benefits and liabilities are debated in Congress as is required by the Constitution. Because this treaty would destroy the American economy, as is his plan, Obama wants to sign it anyway, but it would not have any legitimacy especially because of the stay. A new liberal justice could help lift the stay and this devastating treaty could be imposed.
So unless Scalia's murderer comes forward or an email or trail is inadvertently discovered, this suspected crime will go unpunished and unsolved. The murderer(s) may already be buried in a swamp somewhere. It is important in this next election to vote and vote Republican no matter who heads the ticket.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Last Friday, February 5, 2016, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that the unemployment rate had dropped to 4.9%. Sounds like the economy must be going gangbusters, but we all know that that's not the case. In fact, the economy has slowed again significantly and fewer people as a percentage of the working population are employed than during the failed Carter administration in 1980. Ninety two million Americans of working age are unemployed, more than anytime in our nation's history. On Thursday of each week the BLS reports the number of new first time unemployment claims for benefits and on Friday the new jobs created. Having watched these statistics for years, I can report that the new weekly unemployment claims have averaged better than 250k/week. On Friday new jobs is reported and has averaged less than 150K/week which means a are loss of at least 100K/week. Then why is the unemployment rate dropping? Maybe the Obama regime counts welfare recipient as a job category. The reason is that those who have not found a job after 26 weeks are simply no longer considered unemployed. They are simply not counted anymore, even though they are still unemployed. If the BLS considers a person unemployed for only 26 weeks, why is the government paying unemployment benefits for 99 weeks? The reason for this discrepancy is obvious. It gives the Obama regime a reason to boast about the economy and unemployment even though nothing could be further from the truth. It also pays off the long term unemployed to keep them quiet and vocally protesting. Of course some manage to earn money off the books and so not only to they avoid taxes, but the unemployment money becomes a bonus.
As usual, the corrupt main stream media, dutifully reports these lies as true and then remarks what a great job Obama is doing, when in fact he has tried to undermine and destroy the economy at every turn. Marco Rubio is correct, Obama knows exactly what he is doing and is purposely destroying the economy. Throwing away $800 billion on a "stimulus" package that only stimulated the pockets of his campaign contributes and bundlers, Obamacare, high business and income taxes, burdensome regulations, and pushing the hoax of global warming have all contributed to unemployment and the weak economy.
Now Obama wants to put a $10/barrel tax on oil. In case you haven't noticed the price of gasoline has dropped precipitously at the pump. Obama, despite the fact that he has done everything possible to damage the oil, gas, and coal industry, tries to take credit for the glut of gas and oil. The glut and price of oil exits despite Obama and because Saudi Arabia is trying to damage the oil industry in America and more recently of its enemy Iran. This was just as the United States was about to become the leading producer of oil in the world. Congress recently passed legislation to override a law from the 70s that prevented us from exporting crude due to the OPEC embargo. Saudi Arabia has the lowest lifting costs per barrel in the world. Much of our new oil production is due to fracking a relatively expensive process, though due to American ingenuity the lifting cost have dropped dramatically. Deep water exploration and production are even more expensive. Oil companies, especially smaller ones usually borrow money for exploration and setting up rigs on drilling sites that pan out. They need to sell oil at a certain level just to service their debt and can't afford the luxury of reducing production temporarily until prices rise. Many have avoided bankruptcy by selling assets that temporarily have a lower valuation due to the lower price of oil. Some have gone into bankruptcy are were then bough by bigger more financially sound companies, but even the biggest oil companies have been dramatically affected. Several OPEC partners of Saudi Arabia are in big trouble, especially Venezuela and Algeria whose economies are based on the price of oil. Russia, another country that relies on the price of oil and gas, has serious economic issues as these are its major source of hard currency. Obviously the Saudi economy is also hurting as it is based on a price of about $70/barrel to prove its services, so the pressure could ease in a year or so. You might think that American industries are helped by lower energy costs and this is true to a certain extent, but over regulation and the threat of the significant cost the Obama oil tax would impose as well as increasing regulations have tempered any expansion, especially as Obama is pushing the massive global warming hoax and war on American energy resources.
As usual, the corrupt main stream media, dutifully reports these lies as true and then remarks what a great job Obama is doing, when in fact he has tried to undermine and destroy the economy at every turn. Marco Rubio is correct, Obama knows exactly what he is doing and is purposely destroying the economy. Throwing away $800 billion on a "stimulus" package that only stimulated the pockets of his campaign contributes and bundlers, Obamacare, high business and income taxes, burdensome regulations, and pushing the hoax of global warming have all contributed to unemployment and the weak economy.
Now Obama wants to put a $10/barrel tax on oil. In case you haven't noticed the price of gasoline has dropped precipitously at the pump. Obama, despite the fact that he has done everything possible to damage the oil, gas, and coal industry, tries to take credit for the glut of gas and oil. The glut and price of oil exits despite Obama and because Saudi Arabia is trying to damage the oil industry in America and more recently of its enemy Iran. This was just as the United States was about to become the leading producer of oil in the world. Congress recently passed legislation to override a law from the 70s that prevented us from exporting crude due to the OPEC embargo. Saudi Arabia has the lowest lifting costs per barrel in the world. Much of our new oil production is due to fracking a relatively expensive process, though due to American ingenuity the lifting cost have dropped dramatically. Deep water exploration and production are even more expensive. Oil companies, especially smaller ones usually borrow money for exploration and setting up rigs on drilling sites that pan out. They need to sell oil at a certain level just to service their debt and can't afford the luxury of reducing production temporarily until prices rise. Many have avoided bankruptcy by selling assets that temporarily have a lower valuation due to the lower price of oil. Some have gone into bankruptcy are were then bough by bigger more financially sound companies, but even the biggest oil companies have been dramatically affected. Several OPEC partners of Saudi Arabia are in big trouble, especially Venezuela and Algeria whose economies are based on the price of oil. Russia, another country that relies on the price of oil and gas, has serious economic issues as these are its major source of hard currency. Obviously the Saudi economy is also hurting as it is based on a price of about $70/barrel to prove its services, so the pressure could ease in a year or so. You might think that American industries are helped by lower energy costs and this is true to a certain extent, but over regulation and the threat of the significant cost the Obama oil tax would impose as well as increasing regulations have tempered any expansion, especially as Obama is pushing the massive global warming hoax and war on American energy resources.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Hillary Resorts to Cheating...Well What Did you Expect
Though the Republican Iowa caucus was interesting in that Ted Cruz edged out Donald Trump and Marco Rubio with a record number of caucus goers participating, the Democrat caucus could prove far more interesting, that is unless the Democrat powers put a lid on it, as at this point they clearly favor Hillary Clinton. (Debbie "Dummy" Wasserman-Schultz, DNC head, has clearly voiced her support for Hillary.) The Democrats play by different rules than the Republicans, who determine the number of delegates a candidate gets to the convention based on a percentage of the raw vote overall. So out of 30 possible delegates Cruz got 8, Trump and Rubio 7 each, Carson 3, Paul 2, and the last three went to Bush, Kasich, and Huckabee. The Democrats have a much more complicated system, electing more than 1400 delegates, but not necessarily based on the raw vote. In fact, as of this writing, the raw vote has not been released by the Democrat Party. This is because it is possible to win the raw vote, but get fewer delegates, Bernie Sanders is trying to get the raw vote released as he only trailed Hillary by 3 delegates. It may prove embarrassing to Hillary, if Sanders got more individual votes. She had led by a huge percentage months ago, but with scandal after scandal and lie after lie hitting the news, Sanders steadily chopped away at her lead until now there is a virtual tie.
Being that the Democrat caucus is run by the Democrats, irregularities and voter fraud are always an issue, even against each other. In at least two precincts younger voters were turned away before they could vote using their unfamiliarity with the caucus process to send them home early. Most of these were young voters favoring Sanders. These abuses have come to light as some attendees videoed it. In addition counts seemed to vary enough to change the leader in the 43rd precinct from Sanders to Clinton. Sanders is angry and has a right to be as it turns the precinct heads is also a big Hillary supporter.
Hillary was very quick to claim victory, though the difference in the number of delegates was less than 1/2 percentage point. This is a typical Clinton dirty trick as Bill claimed victory in New Hampshire in 1982 though Paul Tsongas had clearly won. In fact, he was called the "come back kid" because of it.
Now it is on the New Hampshire where Trump holds a significant lead. It will be interesting to see if Cruz or Rubio can continue their success and make inroads into Trump's lead. Rubio has clearly become the target for those trying to stall his momentum and advance their own campaigns. For the Democrats, Sanders has a commanding lead in New Hampshire, the neighbor of his home state Vermont. I doubt if Hillary's early victory claim will help her at all in New Hampshire, as more email problems continue to plague her every day. The latest is that although the Obama administration claim they knew nothing of her private sever and email account, a government account was never set up for her, so she and the regime lied again. (By the way, I wonder if those who are planning to boycott the Academy Awards because all the acting nominees are white, are planning to boycott the Democrat Party as well.) Nevada, another caucus state, may be Hillary's next best change to claim a victory as her dirty tricks and illegal tactics worked well in Iowa.
Being that the Democrat caucus is run by the Democrats, irregularities and voter fraud are always an issue, even against each other. In at least two precincts younger voters were turned away before they could vote using their unfamiliarity with the caucus process to send them home early. Most of these were young voters favoring Sanders. These abuses have come to light as some attendees videoed it. In addition counts seemed to vary enough to change the leader in the 43rd precinct from Sanders to Clinton. Sanders is angry and has a right to be as it turns the precinct heads is also a big Hillary supporter.
Now it is on the New Hampshire where Trump holds a significant lead. It will be interesting to see if Cruz or Rubio can continue their success and make inroads into Trump's lead. Rubio has clearly become the target for those trying to stall his momentum and advance their own campaigns. For the Democrats, Sanders has a commanding lead in New Hampshire, the neighbor of his home state Vermont. I doubt if Hillary's early victory claim will help her at all in New Hampshire, as more email problems continue to plague her every day. The latest is that although the Obama administration claim they knew nothing of her private sever and email account, a government account was never set up for her, so she and the regime lied again. (By the way, I wonder if those who are planning to boycott the Academy Awards because all the acting nominees are white, are planning to boycott the Democrat Party as well.) Nevada, another caucus state, may be Hillary's next best change to claim a victory as her dirty tricks and illegal tactics worked well in Iowa.
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