The horrific events of last week in San Bernardino, California have raised a number of issues related to terror in America, that will affect all of us over the coming years. Liberals, Democrats, the corrupt Obama administration, and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who is under FBI investigation, were quick to call it workplace violence, it was not, and immediately called for stricter gun control legislation. Even now, when the facts have led to it as Islamic terror, they are grudgingly and with great reservation willing to accept the truth still calling for gun control legislation. But if we carefully examine the current state of affairs in America and the World. many lessons could be learned to make America and the World safer.
There are a number of ways to prevent criminals and terrorists from obtaining guns. First we need to secure our southern border with Mexico. Not only can criminals and terrorist freely enter our country, but so can drugs, weapons, and other elements of terror. Right now Mexican drug lords control access to our southern border more than our government. Paying the human smugglers enough will ensure terrorist and their weapons and explosives access. Building a fence with both drones and border patrol agents (and even the military) patrolling the border would be the first and easiest step. Israel built a fence and terror attacks immediately dropped off significantly. Eliminating sanctuary cities would do the same. Legal immigration also needs to be examined at all levels. The visa waiver program needs to be tightened from the standpoint of having information readily available at our entry points. This means that passenger list can be run through computers to check various individuals before allowing them to exit a point of entry. Europeans who have recently been to the Middle East need to be checked and possibly denied entry. Middle Easterner need to be checked before even boarding a plane for America. Non citizens should never be given the same rights as Americans when it comes to privacy and profiling. Though Obama wants to admit "widows and orphans" from Syria, we have seen what a radicalized woman can do. Tasheen Malik apparently radicalized her husband, Syed Farooq. He found her on a Pakistani Muslim dating site and then traveled to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to meet her and bring her back to San Bernardino. (They say she wore a burka. I guess he fell in love with her eyes.). How many more women on this site may be ISIS or Al Qaeda plants wanting to bring terror to America or Europe? Although the government has tried to play down the complexity of this act of terror limiting it to this couple, several questions need to be answered. Who obtained the AR-10 rifles for the killers and who put up as much as $30,000 for their weapons and equipment? There is still much to learn.

Cities and states with the strictest gun laws seem to be the places where more gun related killings take place. In Obama's adopted home town of Chicago three of four dozen people are the victims of gun violence every weekend almost always with illegally obtained guns. (I suppose black lives don't matter when the perps and victims are both black.) Though it may be impossible to prevent illegal weapons making their way into the hands of committed terrorist and criminals, making the punishment for possession and use a lot more serious may help. In addition, those, who sold or gave guns illegally to someone that used it in a crime, could be considered guilty of the same crime and punished accordingly.

Finally we need to change the liberal mindset of blaming America and Americans and the victims every time an Islamic terrorist kills. Our embarrassment of a Secretary of State said that there was some rational for the Charley Hebdo massacre in Paris. Yeah right, publishing a cartoon should get you slaughtered. We need to do away with political correctness and admit that there are very bad people out there who think that their Muslim religion calls for them to murder those that will not submit. We need our leadership (do we really have a president that shows any real leadership?) to call it "radical islamic terror." Saying that doing so will offend all Muslims isn't true, just as freeing some of the worst terrorists from Gitmo hasn't worked either. Muslims who support America rather than terror should speak out and disavow themselves from this extreme aspect of their religion. They should report Imams who support radical Islam and the Justice Department should investigate whether this constitutes aiding and abetting treason. (I know of at least one so called Christian church that also should be investigated.) There is no such thing as anthropogenic climate change, and Obama doubling down on this issue calling it our number one enemy would be a joke, except he just pledged three billion of our taxpayer dollars to the UN for this worthless Nazi inspired hoax, money that could be used to build a border fence and strengthen American security as Obama has cut funding to yjr military, CIA, and FBI. Charles Krauthammer has said that Obama is delusional, but I think Obama (and Valerie Jarrett) knows exactly what he is doing, purposely hurting America. Until we get rid of this guy and his ilk (Hillary Clinton among them
) America will never be safe.