Between ISIS, Israeli elections, and Hillygate, this import event in the last few weeks may have escaped you. In an effort called "net neutrality" and by an FCC committee vote of 3 to 2 (Dems-Rep) the Obama regime took over the internet. As usual with the left, names of act, bills, etc don't mean a thing. For example, the Affordable Healthcare Act, was not affordable, unless you got it for free, and it was more about wrecking the economy and the middle class than providing healthcare. What makes this whole thing more reprehensible is that PR effort behind it and regulations supplied by Center for American Progress was funded by far far far leftist and America hater George Soros. (Soros has made billions of dollars by using his money to sow unrest in various countries in Europe and shorting the currency. In France he is a convicted felon for illegal currency manipulation.) Because the internet was invented by the United States military in the 1970's (sorry Al, you didn't invent the internet), Obama not only feels he has a right to control it, but feels he must control in oder to advance his anti America far far far far far left agenda.
The regime claims that its new 300 pages of internet regulations will ensure that everyone gets the same internet at the same speed. The major players AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon will all be adversely effected, and if history is any indicator, the more the government gets involved the more the costs to you will go up. Take your phone bill for example. For almost a decade in the 70's and 80's the government battled the AT&T telephone monopoly which finally was broken up in 1982. The goal was to allow competition with the thought that rates would go down. Just the opposite happened. AT&T had been subsidizing local rates from the fees it received for long distance. With the breakup the subsidies disappeared and rates went up. Furthermore due to the breakup and some bad business decisions AT&T was acquired by SBC (the new AT&T) and Western Electric, an AT&T subsidiary, which formerly manufactured nearly all of the phone equipment was also sold off. Bell Labs, whose research was responsible for most of the advances in telecommunications at that time slowly disappeared. The only thing that kept local phone rates from skyrocketing even higher was the invention of the cell phone, but cell phone rates are exorbitant as well.
These new regulations will allow the government the opportunity to tax your internet service. If you look at your phone bill, there is a myriad of taxes and fees that have nothing to do with your phone bill. For my land line, these represent nearly one third of the total bill. Tucked in among these taxes and fees is something called the Universal Service Fee. The fee was begun during the Clinton regime and continued under Bush, but it was the Obama regime that made serious use of the billions in funds. The Universal Serviced Fee is supposed to insure access to phone service for all, and so this is how you and I fund Obamaphones, just as you and I, with our taxes and jacked up healthcare premiums, fund Obamacare subsidies. The Dems on the FCC and Obama want to supply high speed internet to all, so isn't it likely that a whole new series of taxes and fees are going to turn up on your bill from your internet service provider, including some sort of Universal Service Fee to ensure that the poor get the internet. Of course, in order to access and use the internet, one needs a computer, tablet, or smart phone, so the fee will pay for any or all of these for those who apply. Soon we will see welfare cheats bragging about all the computers and smart phones they got from Obama. In fact, they got them by Obama robbing you and I. (By the way, there is no reason why illegals shouldn't have internet access and computers as well, as we give them just about everything else.)
The regime's intrusion into our internet will not end by merely taxing us, but it will also want to monitor and control content. Knowing the regime's illegal war on conservatives, it is not unreasonable that the regime will use the FCC, IRS, FBI, EPA, ATF, and OSHA against both suppliers and viewer of conservative content. Conservative web hosts may be forced to host an equal number of far far far left web sites as well or go out of business, just as they want to do to conservative talk radio. They may also threaten a conservative blogger such as me to limit, restrict, or eliminate content.
Sorry about not publishing my blog on Hillygate, but new info comes out every day. Don't worry, its almost ready.